
Life Processes Worksheet-39

Life Processes Worksheet-39


Fill in the blanks:

  1. The process by which nitrogenous waste products are removed artificially from the blood is known as _____.


  1. Basic functional units of Kidney are called _____.


  1. Filtration of blood occurs in ______.


  1. Separation and elimination of the metabolic nitrogenous wastes from the body is called_____.


  1. _____ is the process where excess water from the body is eliminated to keep water content stable.


  1. Excretion is elimination of _____ wastes from the body.


  1. In human beings, a pair of kidney is located in _____ cavity.


  1. ______ is the tubular structures which carry urine from kidney to urinary bladder.


  1. The opening of urinary bladder is guarded by _____ muscles.


  1. _____ is a tube which runs from neck of bladder and opens outside.


  1. In males urethra is _____ than the urethera in females.


  1. The male urethra carries both _____ and _____.


  1. The process of urination is called______.


  1. _____ is the structural and functional unit of kidney.


  1. The malpighian body consists of _____ and _____.


  1. _____ is the network of blood capillaries found in Bowman’s capsule.


  1. _____ is the nitrogenous waste formed in liver of human beings.


  1. Urea is formed due to catabolism of _____.


  1. The fluid filtered into the lumen of Bowman’s capsule is called_____ filtrate.


  1. Kidneys eliminate the excretory waste mate­rial as their aqueous solution called ______.


  1. Nitrogenous waste in birds is excreted in the form of ______.


  1. In plants, Carbon dioxide is diffused out as a waste product during ______ time.


  1. The process in which oxygen is used up by the plants for oxidation is known as _____.


  1. ______ are the spaces present in bark of the trees.


  1. Waste in plants can be removed by falling of leaves and the process is known as ______.



  1. Hemodialysis

  2. Nephron

  3. Glomerulus

  4. Excretion

  5. Osmoregulation

  6. Nitrogenous

  7. Abdominal

  8. Ureter

  9. Sphincter

  10. Urethera

  11. longer

  12. Urine, semen

  13. micturition

  14. Nephron

  15. Bowman’s capsule, Glomerulus

  16. Glomerulus

  17. Urea

  18. proteins

  19. nephric

  20. Urine

  21. Uric acid

  22. night

  23. Photorespiration

  24. Lenticels

  25. withering