
English-Interactive Quizzes


This e-book contains interactive quizzes in English Grammar for Grade 3 students.
There are total 40 quizzes and each quiz has 25 questions.
Pattern of questions : Multiple Choice Questions.
Table of Content: Adjectives, Articles, Compound Words, Grammar, Homophones, Miscellaneous, Nouns, Parts of Speech, Prepositions, Pronouns, Suffixes, Prefixes & Syllables

English Grammar Worksheet-16


  1. Effect: We went to the grocery store.

What is the cause?

A. Rain was heavy

B. We ran out of bread

C. It was a very cold winter night

D. There were bread crumbs on the floor


  1. Cause: Anupam came home late.

What is the effect?

A. He missed his TV show

B. He drove a new car

C. He drives a truck

D. Water was cold


  1. Ananda broke her leg. Which of the following can be the reason ?

A. She sang a beautiful song.

B. She fell from her bike.

C. She forgot to call me.

D. Her mom wasn't home.


  1. Amber loves reading books. Which of the following can be the effect ?

A. Binu didn't return her book.

B. Amber was late for the library.

C. She goes to library everyday.

D. She cooked dinner for us.


  1. I had to re-write the permission letter. Which of the following can be the reason ?

A. I missed the school bus.

B. I accidentally spilled juice on it.

C. I drank two glasses of water.

D. I didn't have enough time.


  1. My yard is looking beautiful. Which of the following can be the reason ?

A. I planted flowers in my yard.

B. My neighbour’s yard is looking nice too.

C. My lawn mower is broken.

D. I want to put a fence around my yard.


  1. My best friend is moving out of town. Which of the following can be the reason ?

A. My friend gave me a book.

B. I feel sad.

C. My friend and I went to library together.

D. I like making new friends.


  1. Molly can sing this song beautifully. Which of the following can be the reason ?

A. I love music.

B. Molly's sister Rajua loves dancing.

C. She is taking music lessons.

D. She was playing with her dog.


  1. I missed the bus. Which of the following can be the reason ?

A. I take the bus to school almost everyday.

B. Dad gifted me a new Wall Clock.

C. I felt hungry when I woke up.

D. My alarm clock didn't go off this morning.


Answer Keys

(16)–B; (17)–A; (18)–B; (19)–C; (20)–B; (21)–A; (22)–B; (23)–C; (24)–D