
Basics of Chemistry-Worksheet-2

Basics of Chemistry Worksheet-2


  1. Which type of solid matter can have a shiny form?

A. Wood             B. Metal             C. Organic         D. Frozen gas


  1. Which of the following is an example of making compound?

A. Mix sand and clay.                          

B. Combine sodium metal and chlorine gas to make salt.

C. Combine oil and water together.

D. Melt ice cubes.


  1. How many forms can any matter have? Forms such as solid, liquid and gas.

A. Only one of them

B. Only two of them

C. All three

D. Depends upon the gravity of the earth


  1. What happens when we put salt in water?

A. The molecules of salt spread throughout the water

B. The salt molecules occupy the empty spaces in between the molecules of water

C. The salt molecules spread as a layer above the surface of water

D. Both (A) & (B).


  1. Most of the metals _____.

A. Are hard                          

B. Are lustrous

C. Are good conductors of electricity

D. All of these.


  1. Look at the given figure carefully. What materials are used to make the parts labelled as R and S?

A. R-Glass; S-Plastic                    B. R-Glass; S-Rubber

C. R-Plastic; S-Rubber                D. None of these.


  1. What must happen during a chemical change?

A. A physical reaction                 B. A chemical reaction

C. Heating                                     D. Cooling


  1. The space that any object takes is called _____.

A. Weight          B. Volume         C. Width            D. Height


  1. A matter with closely packed particles will be ______ than a matter with loosely packed particles. (if volume is same for both of them)

A. Lighter          B. Heavier         C. Cooler            D. Hotter


Answer Keys:

(1)–(b); (2)–(b); (3)–(c); (4)–(d); (5)–(d); (6)–(b); (7)–(b); (8)–(b); (9)–(b)