
Solid, Liquid & Gases Worksheet-8

Solid, Liquid & Gases Worksheet-8


True or False:

  1. Solids take the shape of the container they are poured in.

  2. Liquids  are substances in which the particles are packed.

  3. Liquids have no fixed shape.

  4. Liquids which can flow from one place to another are called fluids.

  5. Blood is a liquid.

  6. Solids which can flow from one place to another are called fluids.

  7. Solids cannot be bent or broken.

  8. Gases can be bent or broken.

  9. Gases are substances in which the particles are very loosely packed.

  10. Gases have no fixed shape.


Answer Key

  1. False

  2. False

  3. True

  4. True

  5. True

  6. False

  7. False

  8. False

  9. True

  10. True