The Present Simple of be is like this:
Short forms
I'm You're He/ She/It's
We're You're They're
These are the negative forms:
We use be in many situations:
1. to talk about people and places etc.
Examples :
1. Sagar is my best friend.
2. Kutubminar is in New Delhi.
3. Ravi and Kavi are intelligent students.
4. I’m from Rajasthan.
2. to talk about the time & weather:
Examples :
1. It’s ten o’ clock.
2. It’s hot today.
Read More...Usage of Be :
We use the short form when we are speaking or writing a friendly letter:
We're on holiday in Kashmir. It's very cold here.
Using the long form in speaking often implies emphasis.
We can use a short form after a singular noun but not if the noun ends in ch, sh, x, z, s:
The taxi’s here.
This cake's nice.
This watch is expensive.
The dish is tasty.
That buzz is loud.