
Number Lines & Coordinates Worksheet-2

Number Lines & Coordinates Worksheet-2


  1. What do you call the numbers that are left of zero?

A. positive integers                       B. whole numbers    

C. negative integers                      D. fraction


  1. Which ordered pair locates point "R" in this graph?

A. (4, 6)              B. (6, 4)              C. (4, 0)             D. (6, 3)


  1. Find the answer: (7–7) + 7 = ?

       A. 7                      B. –7                   C. 21                    D. –14


  1. Which point is located at (6, 0)?

A. K                     B. N                     C. P                     D. F


  1. Which is the distance from point Z to point Y on the number line?

A. 12 units         B. 13 units         C. 11 units          D. 10 units


  1. Which ordered pair locates point "S" in this graph?

A. (3, 7)              B. (2, 7)              C. (2, 6)              D. (1, 8)


  1. Find the answer: 9 – (–7) = ?

A. 2                     B. 16                    C. –2                   D. –16


  1. Which letter on the number line identifies the location of –4?

A. T                     B. S                     C. R                     D. P


  1. Which number best describes the location of point Z on the number line shown below?

A. 75                   B. 74                             C. 70                   D. 73


  1. Which letter on the number line identifies the location of 2?

A. O                     B. R                     C. S                     D. P


Answer Key:

(11)-C; (12)-A; (13)-A; (14)-D; (15)-D; (16)-B; (17)-B; (18)-A; (19)-D; (20)-D