
Obesity among school children - Comprehension Worksheet

Obesity among school children - Comprehension Worksheet

          Obesity among school children has become a major cause of concern. Liberalization and globalization have brought a radical change in the lifestyle of the people. Many multinationals like Mac Donald’s, KFC and Pizza Huts have popularized the concept of the so called ’Fast Food’. More and more school children have developed a craze for chocolates and Colas. The results have been quite disastrous. Obesity among school children is on the rise and so are the diseases related to it.

          ‘Junk food’ may appeal to our taste but doesn’t suit our digestive system. Oils and extra fats harm our liver. They increase flesh and weight. Fresh home-cooked food is anytime better. It is more digestive than the ‘junk food’. Our food should contain more coarse cereals, green and leafy vegetables. Fruit, pulses, milk, eggs and curd must be necessary parts of our food. Green salads have fibrous material. It is good for our health and digestive system.

          School children should develop good eating habits. Hot dogs, burgers and pizzas will only cause obesity among them. They should have fresh and home cooked food. It has more nutritious value but less calories and fats.


Multiple-Choice Question:

  1. Fresh home-cooked food is more

(A) tasty             (B) cheap           (C) Digestive     (D) interesting


  1. Pizzas can cause

(A) malaria       (B) cholera        (C) diabetes      (D) Obesity


  1. Oils and fats harm our

(A) eyes              (B) stomach      (C) pancreas     (D) Liver


  1. School children have developed a craze for

(A) chocolates                               (B) colas

(C) neither any of the above       (D) both of the above


  1. The adjective ‘disastrous’ means

(A) terrible                                     (B) unfortunate

(C) both of the above                   (D) neither of the above


  1. ‘Junk Food’ increases

(A) flesh                                          (B) weight

(C) both A and B                          (D) muscles


Fill in the blanks:

  1. _____ has brought a radical change in the lifestyle of people.


  1. _____ have fibrous material.


  1. _____ among school children is a major cause of concern.


  1. _____ food has more nutritious value.


  1. Many multinationals have popularized the concept of _____.



  1. Foods that are cooked very fast are called fast foods.


  1. Junk foods have very less nutritive value.


  1. Fibres are good for our muscular system.


  1. The number of obese school children is decreasing.


  1. Home cooked food is very oily.


Answer key:

  1. (C)

  2. (D)

  3. (D)

  4. (D)

  5. (C)

  6. (C)

  7. Globalization

  8. Green Salads

  9. Obesity

  10. Home Cooked

  11. Fast food

  12. False

  13. True

  14. False

  15. False

  16. False