
Vocabulary Worksheet-23

Vocabulary Worksheet-23


  1. Identify the correct synonym for gregarious:

A. strange          B. mean             C. friendly         D. shrewd


  1. Identify the correct synonym for destiny:

A. fate                 B. neutral          C. prove             D. way


  1. Identify the correct synonym for commotion:

A. comfort         B. disturbance  C. prevent          D. support


  1. Identify the correct synonym for abundant:

A. comfort         B. arrogant        C. plentiful        D. limited


  1. Identify the correct synonym for verify:

A. comfort         B. allow              C. prove             D. fact


  1. revel

A. to have a good time, party, to enjoy greatly, delight in

B. change from on direction to another

C. confidential

D. spoken


  1. Identify the correct synonym for surmise:

A. happy            B. guess              C. prevent          D. astonish


  1. Identify the correct synonym for consolidate:

A. merge            B. divide             C. prevent          D. distribute


  1. Identify the correct synonym for impartial:

A. unfair            B. neutral          C. prevent          D. important


  1. resist

A. unlikely to happen                   B. spread out

C. to get into                                  D. stand against, avoid temptation


Answer Key:

  1. C

  2. A

  3. B

  4. C

  5. C

  6. A

  7. B

  8. A

  9. A

  10. D