
Geometry and Mensuration Worksheet-1

Geometry and Mensuration Worksheet-1


  1. Find the supplement of 75°.

(a) 90°                (b) 15°                (c) 105°              (d) 58°


  1. Angle AED and angle CEB are an example of _________ .

(a) Adjacent angle                        (b) Supplementary Angles

(c) Alternate Interior Angles     (d) Vertically opposite angles


  1. Which statement is correct?

(a) ∠AGH and ∠HGE have the same degree measurement.

(b) ∠HGE and ∠DFC have the same degree measurement.

(c) ∠DFC and ∠AGH have the same degree measurement.

(d) ∠BFD and ∠AGH have the same degree measurement.


  1. What is the measure of the complement of 52°?

(a) 38°                (b) 128°              (c) 108°              (d) 48°


  1. Find the measure of ∠BFD

(a) 40°                (b) 50°                (c) 120°              (d) 130°


  1. ∠RPT and ∠TPS are an example of  _____.

(a) Adjacent angles

(b) Vertical angels

(c) Alternative interior angles

(d) Linear pair angles.


  1. Find the measure of ∠PRT.

(a) 22°                (b) 53°                (c) 37°                (d) 120.5°


  1. Which statement is correct?

(a) ∠2 is supplement of ∠1

(b) ∠4 and ∠1 are congruent angles.

(c) ∠2 and ∠4 has same degree measurement

(d) ∠2 is supplement of ∠4


  1. Find the measure of ∠h.

(a) 45°                (b) 65°                (c) 90°                (d) 35°


  1. What is the geometric term to describe an angle, which is more than 180° but less than 360°?

(a) Right angle                              (b) Straight angle

(c) Reflex angle                             (d) Linear angle


  1. Find the measure of ∠MRS.

(a) 90°                (b) 60°               (c) 120°              (d) 45°


  1. Which statement is NOT correct?

(a) ∠JKM and ∠MKN are complementary angles.

(b) ∠NKP and ∠PKL are complementary angles.

(c) ∠MKN and ∠NKP are adjacent angles.

(d) ∠MKJ and ∠PKL are adjacent angles.


  1. The complementary angles are in the ratio of 2 : 3. Find the measure of both angles.

(a) 60° and 30°                             (b) 36° and 54°

(c) 45° and 60°                             (d) 50° and 40°


  1. What is NOT true about a pair of vertical angles?

(a) They can be adjacent.

(b) They are equal in measure.

(c) They are formed by intersecting lines

(d) They cannot be adjacent.


  1. Find the measure of the missing angle.

(a) 15°                 (b) 105°              (c) 285°              (d) 275°


  1. Classify the angle whose measure is 115°.

(a) Straight       (b) Right            (c) Reflex           (d) Obtuse


  1. Find the measure of ∠DQB. (See the diagram)

(a) 60°                (b) 90°               (c) 120°              (d) 45°


  1. Identify alternate exterior angles in this diagram.

(a) ∠S and ∠P                             (b) ∠S and ∠Q

(c) ∠R and ∠E                            (d) ∠S and ∠R


  1. Find the measure of the missing angle. (See the diagram).

(a) 115°               (b) 55°                (c) 95°                (d) 125°


  1. The distance across a circle through the centre is called the ______.

(a) Circumference                        (b) Radius

(c) Diameter                                  (d) Chord


Answer Key:

(1)-(c); (2)-(d); (3)-(c); (4)-(a); (5)-(d); (6)-(d); (7)-(b); (8)-(d); (9)-(b); (10)-(c); (11)-(b); (12)-(d); (13)-(b); (14)-(a); (15)-(c); (16)-(d); (17)-(a); (18)-(b); (19)-(d); (20)-(c)