
Microorganisms friends and foe Worksheet-6

Microorganisms friends and foe Worksheet-6


Multiple Choice Questions:

  1. Which of the following is not a preservative?

(A) Sodium benzoate                  (B) Sodium metabisulphate

(C) Acetic acid                              (D) Sulphuric acid


  1. Dysentery is caused by

(A) Bacteria      (B) Fungi           (C) Protozoa     (D) Virus


  1. Typhoid is transmitted through

(A) Air                                            (B) Water

(C) Direct contact                        (D) Food


  1. Tuberculosis is transmitted through

(A) Air                                            (B) Water

(C) Direct contact                        (D) Food


  1. Hepatitis A is transmitted through

(A) Air                                            (B) Water

(C) Direct contact                        (D) Food


  1. Measles is transmitted through

(A) Air                                            (B) Water

(C) Direct contact                        (D) Food


  1. Citrus canker is transmitted through

(A) Air                                            (B) Water

(C) Direct contact                        (D) Minerals


  1. Which of the following is human and cattle disease?

(A) Foot and mouth                    (B) Malaria

(C) Anthrax                                   (D) Chicken pox


  1. Which disease is caused by mycoplasm?

(A) Typhoid                                   (B) Pleuropneumonia

(C) Tuberculosis                           (D) Cholera


  1. Which of the following is not a vector?

(A) Mosquito                                 (B) Plasmodium

(C) Flea                                           (D) Housefly


Answer key:

  1. (D)

  2. (C)

  3. (B)

  4. (A)

  5. (B)

  6. (A)

  7. (C)

  8. (C)

  9. (B)

  10. (B)