
Reaching the age of adolescence Worksheet-4

Reaching the age of adolescence Worksheet-4


Multiple-Choice Question:

  1. Name the chemical substance secreted by endocrine gland.

(A) Enzymes                                  (B) Neurotransmitter

(C) Hormones                               (D) Protein


  1. Which of these is a male sex hormone?

(A) Growth hormone                   (B) Insulin

(C) Testosterone                           (D) Estrogen


  1. Which of these is a female sex hormone?

(A) Growth hormone                   (B) Insulin

(C) Testosterone                           (D) Estrogen


  1. Testosterone is secreted by-

(A) Testes                                       (B) Ovary

(C) Pancreas                                  (D) Pituitary gland

(E) Thyroid gland


  1. ______ is secreted by ovary in female.

(A) Estrogen                                  (B) Growth hormone

(C) Insulin                                      (D) Testosterone

(E) Thyroxine


  1. One ovum matures and is released by one of the ovaries once in about _____ days.

(A) 14-20                                        (B) 28-30

(C) 1-10                                           (D) 5-10


  1. Bleeding in women due to shedding of thickened lining of uterus along with blood is called-

(A) Menopause                             (B) Menarche

(C) Menstruation                         (D) Metamorphosis


  1. Stoppage of menstruation is termed ______

(A) Menopause                             (B) Menstruation

(C) Metamorphosis                     (D) Menarche


  1. A female has-

(A) One X and one Y chromosome

(B) Two X chromosomes

(C) Two Y chromosomes

(D) None of these


  1. Deficiency of _____ causes goiter.

(A) Growth hormone                   (B) Insulin

(C) Testosterone                           (D) Thyroxine

(E) Adrenaline


  1. _______ hormone helps the body to adjust to stress.

(A) Insulin                                      (B) Testosterone

(C) Thyroxine                                (D) Adrenaline

(E) Estrogen


  1. In frog, metamorphosis is controlled by-

(A) Adrenaline                              (B) Estrogen

(C) Testosterone                           (D) Thyroxine


Answer key:

  1. C

  2. C

  3. D

  4. A

  5. A

  6. B

  7. C

  8. A

  9. B

  10. D

  11. D

  12. D