
Conjunction Exercise–2 (Level-5)



See the sentences and then click on the option which shows the correct joining of the two sentences:

  1. Sunil was happy. His father gave him a tee shirt.

(a) Sunil was happy but his father gave him a tee shirt.

(b) Sunil was happy therefore his father gave him a tee shirt.

(c) Sunil was happy because his father gave him a tee shirt.


  1. I ate half a watermelon. I am still thirsty.

(a) I ate half a watermelon although I am still thirsty.

(b) Though I ate half a watermelon, I am still thirsty.

(c) I ate half a watermelon therefore I am still thirsty.


  1. I will not believe it. I see a cow jumping over the moon.

(a) Unless I see a cow jumping over the moon, I will not believe it.

(b) If I see a cow jumping over the moon, I will not believe it.

(c) I will not believe it when I see a cow jumping over the moon.


  1. I am very bored. I want to watch a new movie.

(a) I am very bored but I want to watch a new movie.

(b) I am very bored as I want to watch a new movie.

(c) I am very bored so I want to watch a new movie.


  1. Everyone wishes to go to America. It is the land of opportunities.

(a) Everyone wishes to go to America and it is the land of opportunities.

(b) Everyone wishes to go to America since it is the land of opportunities.

(c) Everyone wishes to go to America though is it the land of opportunities.


  1. Shyam cleaned the car. It was very dirty.

(a) The car was very dirty and Shyam cleaned it.

(b) The car was very dirty so Shyam cleaned it.

(c) The car was very dirty because Shyam cleaned it.


  1. It was a full moon night. It was quite bright.

(a) It was a full moon night therefore it was quite bright.

(b) It was a full moon night though it was quite bright.

(c) It was a full moon night because it was quite bright.


  1. We did not reach on time. We started at sunrise.

(a) We started at sunrise because we did not reach on time.

(b) Though we did not reach on time we started at sunrise.

(c) We did not reach on time although we started at sunrise.


  1. Everyone is coming over. It is Christmas.

(a) Everyone is coming over hence it is Christmas.

(b) It is Christmas hence everyone is coming over.

(c) Everyone is coming over though it is Christmas.


  1. The dog will not bark. The dog does not see anyone.

(a) The dog will not bark unless it does not see someone.

(b) The dog will not bark unless it does not see anyone.

(c) The dog will not bark unless it sees someone.


  1. I am sure Mother will be happy. I will give her roses.

(a) I am sure Mother will be happy if I give her roses.

(b) I am sure Mother will be happy but I give her roses.

(c) Unless I give Mother some roses, she will be happy.


  1. We can play cricket on the ground. We can play football on the ground.

(a) We can neither play cricket nor football on the ground.

(b) We can either play cricket or football on the ground.

(c) We can play cricket otherwise football on the ground.



  1. c

  2. b

  3. a

  4. c

  5. b

  6. b

  7. a

  8. c

  9. b

  10. c

  11. a

  12. b

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