
Conjunction Exercise–3 (Level-7)



Select the appropriate conjunction in the blank space provided:

[that, because, while, as if, after, though, neither, where, soon as, when , nor, not only, or, so that, until, either, but also, than, both, and, however, no sooner]

  1. He read the newspaper ___ waiting for his friend.


  1. Rahul announced ___ the games will begin shortly.


  1. I believed that a cow can jump over the moon ___ I saw it myself.


  1. Our teacher reads so well, ___ he himself is the hero.


  1. Mother bought a watermelon ___ we all love the fruit.


  1. Sunita knows the shop ___ such cups are available.


  1. My neighbours have a lot of money, they are not happy ___.


  1. We expected rain ___ we heard the thunder and saw the lightning.


  1. The sandwiches became tasty ___ salt and pepper were sprinkled.


  1. ___ is that king strong ___ is he just.


  1. That bird can ___ talk ___ sing.


  1. They started with a full tank ___ they need not stop again.


  1. Rita reads at night ___ she feels sleepy.


  1. We can visit ___ the Eifel Tower ___ the Notre Dame.


  1. The grapes are ___ juicy ___ sweet.


  1. The choir sang sweetly; ___, no one listened to them.


  1. ___ did she start playing ___ everyone was silent.



  1. while

  2. that

  3. after

  4. as if

  5. because

  6. where

  7. though

  8. when

  9. as soon as

  10. neither, nor

  11. not only, but also

  12. so that

  13. until

  14. either, or

  15. both, and

  16. however

  17. no sooner, than

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