
Conjunction Exercise–4 (Level-5)



Fill in the blank by choosing the appropriate conjunction from those given under each sentence:

  1. I can see three gifts ___ five balloons. [and / but / so]


  1. ___ we called her twice, she did not come. [so / although / and]


  1. The periwinkle is lovely ___ it has no fragrance. [as / and / but]


  1. The novel is ___ interesting and entertaining. [once / as well as / both]


  1. You must take medicine ___ you want to get well. [if / as / so]


  1. ___ it is hungry, the cow will not eat grass. [so / unless / if]


  1. Those flowers are very pretty ___ they are wild. [if / so / though]


  1. He ___ eats a lot but also wakes up late. [not only / and / but also]


  1. Cricket is so popular ___ people stop their work to watch it. [this / that / and]


  1. The dog is still barking ___ it has been told not to. [if / as / although]


  1. ___ we score a few goals we cannot win. [unless / as / if]


  1. She wants good marks ___ she is studying hard. [hence / as / if]


  1. ___ it is her duty, she has made the bed. [if / hence / since]


  1. We wanted to avoid the traffic ___ we started early. [as / therefore / if]


  1. She swims well ___ never participates in competitions. [and / so /  but]


  1. The dog started barking ___ it saw a stranger. [when /   unless / if]


  1. They are ___ friendly that they share everything. [but / and / so]


  1. She is reading a novel ___ she has some free time. [hence / so / as]


  1. The lion was angry ___ it roared loudly. [as / so / but]


  1. He was tired of being indoors ___ there was no electricity. [if / because / so]



  1. and

  2. although

  3. but

  4. both

  5. if

  6. unless

  7. though

  8. not only

  9. that

  10. although

  11. unless

  12. hence

  13. since

  14. therefore

  15. but

  16. when

  17. so

  18. as

  19. so

  20. because

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