
Conjunction Exercise–1 (Level-3)



‘but’ – ‘or’ – ‘and’

  1. The parrot is in the cage ____ the macaw is not.


  1. Cows ____ horses are domestic animals.



  1. We can go to England by ship ____ plane.


  1. You can write a letter ____ send a card to mother.


  1. Ants are tiny ____ elephants are huge.


  1. You may have some toast ____ burgers for dinner.


  1. Grapes are juicy ____ apples are fleshy.


  1. Sunil had fries ____ a burger for lunch.


  1. Mona wants a puppy ____ a kitten for a pet.


  1. There were many things to eat ____ drink at the party.



  1. but

  2. and

  3. or

  4. or

  5. but

  6. or

  7. but

  8. and

  9. or

  10. and

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