
Conjunctions Worksheet-4

Conjunctions Worksheet-4


Fill in the blank with the correct conjunction:

  1. He arrived late at the station _____ he could not catch the train.

A. Because         B. Since              C. So                   D. Or


  1. That man, ______ his sisters, has come.

A. And                B. As well as      C. But                 D. Though


  1. The dog barked _____ it saw the stranger.

A. When             B. While             C. And                D. But


  1. We will go out only _____ it stops raining.

A. Unless           B. If                     C. And                D. But


  1. ______ you calm down, you will not understand anything.

A. If                     B. And                C. Since              D. Until


  1. _______ he was an hour early, he failed to book the tickets.

       A. Because         B. Since              C. Though          D. Otherwise


  1. The little boy is scared _____ the dog is barking loudly.

A. Because         B. Or                   C. Otherwise     D. Though


  1. ______ he has become very rich, he has not changed at all.

A. Because         B. Although       C. Otherwise     D. But


  1. Sunil _____ Manish are my friends.

A. But                 B. Or                   C. And                D. So


  1. Sunil ____ Manish is going to stand first.

A. And                B. Or                   C. But                 D. So


Answer Key:

  1. C

Explanation: Here the conjunction showing consequence is needed; hence ‘so’ is used.

  1. B

Explanation: Here the conjunction for joining parenthetical parts is needed; hence ‘as well as’ is used.

  1. A

Explanation: Here the conjunction for showing time is needed; hence ‘when’ is used.

  1. B

Explanation: Here the conjunction for showing condition is needed; hence ‘if’ is used.

  1. D

Explanation: Here the conjunction for showing condition is needed; hence ‘until’ is used. (one part is negative)

  1. C

        Explanation: Here the conjunction for illogical consequence is needed; hence ‘though’ is used.

  1. A

Explanation: Here the conjunction for giving reason is needed; hence ‘because’ is used.

  1. B

Explanation: Here the conjunction for illogical consequence is needed; hence ‘although’ is used.

  1. C

Explanation: Here the conjunction for joining equally important sentence parts is needed; hence ‘and’ is used.

  1. B

Explanation: Here the conjunction for showing choice is needed; hence ‘or’ is used.