
Conjunction Exercise–4 (Level-7)



See the underlined part and say whether it is a noun clause, an adverb clause or the main clause:

  1. Everyone was silent as soon as she started playing.


  1. Get up at 6 o’clock if you want to come with me.


  1. The cat is moving its tail as if it is angry.


  1. The dentist told us that we should brush our teeth twice daily.


  1. The teacher explained until everyone understood.


  1. Please ask her if she is ready to donate some money.


  1. The bear entered the tent as there was no one inside.


  1. The man hid from the bear as he was afraid for his life.


  1. Whenever they go out, she always carries her own bag.


  1. Even if the grapes are sour, everyone will eat them.


  1. When Sheila is happy, she always goes skipping along the road.


  1. The doctor asked Anil whether he had drunk iced water.


  1. I love to watch the flamingoes that play in the rain.


  1. As soon as April comes near, students start studying.


  1. The coach explained many things; however, we lost the match.


  1. Mother asked me if I had bought the roses for her.


  1. No sooner does autumn set in than trees start shedding their leaves.


  1. The doctor asked Anil whether he had drunk iced water.


  1. Even if the fruits are bland, everyone will enjoy them.


  1. As soon as trees start shedding leaves me knows it is autumn.



  1. adverb clause

  2. main clause

  3. adverb clause

  4. noun clause

  5. adverb clause

  6. noun clause

  7. adverb clause

  8. main clause

  9. adverb clause

  10. adverb clause

  11. main clause

  12. noun clause

  13. main clause

  14. adverb clause

  15. main clause

  16. noun clause

  17. main clause

  18. main clause

  19. noun clause

  20. adverb clause

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