
Control and coordination Worksheet-23

Control and coordination Worksheet-23


Subjective questions:

  1. Justify that the pancreas and the gonads perform dual functions.


  1. Name the hormones secreted from pituitary.


  1. Out of all the pituitary hormones, which two are exclusively female? What function do they serve?


  1. What do you understand by the term 'target organ'? Give any one example.


  1. Represent the reflex arc with the help of a flow chart.


  1. Why do stem and root show unilateral growth towards light and gravity of earth respectively?


  1. Which is the largest part of the brain? What are its functions?


  1. What are auxins and where are they synthesised in the plant body?


  1. Glucagon and insulin are antagonistic to each other. Justify the statement.


  1. Write the difference between cerebellum and cerebrum.


  1. Write the difference between motor nerve and mixed nerve.


  1. Distinguish between estrogen and progesterone.


  1. Distinguish between vasopressin and oxytocin.


  1. Name the three types of nerves and their functions.


  1. Name the second largest part of the brain. What are its functions?


  1. Name the second largest part of the brain. What are its functions?


  1. Distinguish between sensory neuron and motor neuron.


  1. Distinguish between exocrine and endocrine glands.


  1. Distinguish between sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system.


  1. Distinguish between cerebrum and spinal cord.


  1. Distinguish between spinal nerve and cranial nerve.


  1. Distinguish between nervous system and endocrine system.


  1. How does the nervous system serve for coordination of all other systems in the body?


  1. What are cranial nerves? How many cranial nerves does a human being have?


  1. What are spinal nerves? How many spinal nerves are present in a human being? Are they sensory, mixed or motor?


  1. What are receptors? What are their basic functions?


  1. Bring out any two differences between enzymes and hormones.


  1. Why are hormones called informational molecules?


  1. Why is oxytocin called a female hormone?


  1. What is antagonism with reference to hormone functioning? Give two examples.