
Pronouns Notes [Level-6]

Pronouns Notes [Level-6]


Cases of pronouns:

  1. Subjective case

Does the work of subject of a verb (or sentence)

  1. Possessive case

Does the work of showing possession

  1. Objective case

Does the work of the object of a verb


Subjective case: (I, YOU, WE, HE, SHE, IT, THEY)

My name is Sunita. I go to school every day.

(subject → Subjective case)



Possessive case: (mine, yours, ours, his, hers, theirs)

I am Sunita. That diary is MINE.

(shows possession → Possessive case)



Objective case: (ME, YOU, US, HIM, HER, THEM, IT)

  1. I told Mother to bake a cake for ME.

(object → Objective case)


  1. The teacher asked US what 2+2 was equal to.

(object → Objective case)


  1. “I told HER everything,” said Sally.

(object → Objective case)


  1. The doctor asked HIM to rest for a week.

(object → Objective case)


Relative Pronouns

See the given sentences:

Example 1:

I met Bobby. Bobby was carrying a pumpkin.

NOW: I met Bobby WHO was carrying a pumpkin.

WHO: Joins 2 sentences → Conjunction; Used in place of Bobby → Pronoun

Bobby → Antecedent of WHO (Relative pronoun)


Example 2:

I have found the pen. I had lost the pen.

NOW: I have found the pen WHICH I had lost.

WHICH: Relative pronoun since it joins 2 sentences and is used in place of ‘pen’

Pen → Antecedent of WHICH (Relative pronoun)


Example 3:

Here is the umbrella. You had lent me the umbrella.

NOW: Here is the umbrella THAT you had lent me.

THAT: Relative pronoun – joins 2 sentences & used instead of ‘umbrella’

Umbrella → Antecedent of THAT (Relative pronoun)


Cases of the relative pronoun who

Subjective case: WHO

Possessive case: WHOSE

Objective case: WHOM/WHO (in informal English)


  1. These are the players WHO practice hard.

(Subjective case: Replaces ‘The players’)


  1. This is the dog WHOSE owners have gone out.

(Possessive case: Replaces dog’s)


  1. Sheila is a model WHOM everyone praises.

{Objective case: Replaces: the model (object of the sentence)}


Click here for Exercise-1



