
Vocabulary Word Power Worksheet-40

Word Power Worksheet – 40

English worksheets vocabulary PDF

Choose the correct word for the given clue.

  1. "Dangerously lacking in stability; based on uncertain or unproved premises"

(a) proceeded   (b) prospect      (c) expostulate (d) precarious


  1. "explosion"

(a) perplexingly                            (b) condone

(c) detonation                               (d) holography


  1. "to approach the end; to become less"

(a) wane             (b) pluckily        (c) heredity       (d) annals


  1. "crack or narrow hole"

(a) apparition   (b) crevice         (c) sagacity        (d) brink


  1. "a piece of wood or stone placed beneath a door; an entrance or a doorway"

(a) curmudgeon                           (b) solemnize

(c) cumulus                                   (d) threshold


  1. "unsparing or harsh treatment of others; strict"

(a) vehemently (b) beleaguer    (c) severe           (d) ascetic


  1. "Yellowish discoloration of the whites of the eyes and skin"

(a) genes            (b) destitute      (c) jaundice       (d) stenography


  1. "to return like for like, especially evil for evil; to pay back"

(a) withhold      (b) sanguine      (c) retaliate       (d) misanthrope


  1. "a poison that damages biochemical processes"

(a) pollutant      (b) obsequious (c) threshold     (d) draught


  1. "one who is seemingly indifferent to or unaffected by joy, grief, pleasure, or pain"

(a) battery                                      (b) misdemeanour

(c) stoic                                           (d) typography


  1. "Looking back on; contemplating"

(a) canard                                      (b) diatribe

(c) retrospective                           (d) jostle


  1. "lacking necessary things; poor"

(a) epigram       (b) destitute      (c) reins             (d) brazen


  1. "a woman regarded as scolding and vicious"

(a) harridan      (b) sanction       (c) concussion  (d) vehemently


  1. "foam or churn"

(a) precipice     (b) typography (c) dissuade      (d) froth


  1. "an exaggerated or grotesque imitation."

(a) retrospective                           (b) travesty       

(c) surmount                                 (d) cunning


  1. "temperament; general frame of mind"

(a) disposition  (b) addle            (c) eddy              (d) desolate


  1. "the lowest point of a wave"

(a) anxiety         (b) trough          (c) obscurity     (d) transient


  1. "tall, flat bottom anvil shaped clouds that produce thunderstorms"

(a) cumulonimbus                       (b) robust

(c) silhouette                                 (d) genes


  1. "method of movement for solar energy"

(a) preserve       (b) disclose        (c) minute         (d) radiation


  1. "lively party or game"

(a) frolic             (b) avarice         (c) ultimatum   (d) vendetta


  1. "anything that appears unexpectedly or in an extraordinary way"

(a) apparition   (b) void              (c) stringent      (d) foreboding


  1. "any group or collection, usually desirable"

(a) bevy              (b) malignant   (c) lethargy       (d) calligraphy


  1. "Showing great malevolence, disposed to do evil; cancerous"

(a) ruse              (b) derision       (c) malignant    (d) solemnize


  1. "not occupied"

(a) implored     (b) consume      (c) obliquely      (d) vacant


  1. "beset with difficulties"

(a) azure            (b) toehold        (c) beleaguer    (d) verge


  1. "person who is unable to sleep"

(a) jute               (b) implored     (c) envelop        (d) insomniac


  1. "intense storm system with heavy rain and high winds blowing in a circular pattern"

(a) cyclone         (b) endeavour   (c) toehold         (d) ascetic


  1. "a person who flatters or defers to others for self-serving reasons; flatterer; fawner"

(a) consequence                            (b) countenance

(c) toady                                         (d) deploy


  1. "approach an enemy stealthily"

(a) crevice         (b) sanction       (c) destitute       (d) stalk


  1. "low area on Earth's surface that contains an ocean"

(a) basin            (b) crevice         (c) lethargy       (d) ostentatious



1-d;  2-c;  3-a;  4-b;  5-d;  6-c;  7-c;  8-c;  9-a;  10-c;  11-c;  12-b;  13-a;  14-d;  15-b;  16-a;  17-b;  18-a;  19-d;  20-a;  21-a;  22-a;  23-c;  24-d;  25-c;  26-d;  27-a;  28-c;  29-d;  30-a