
Articles Worksheet-3

Articles Worksheet-3


Fill in the correct article wherever necessary:

  1. There are _____ dozen eggs in the refrigerator.

A. A                     B. The                 C. X                     D. An


  1. Please give me ____ glass of ____ water.

A. An – x            B. X – a              C. A – x              D. The – a


  1. ____ University of Ahmedabad is a huge study area.

A. X                     B. A                     C. An                   D. The


  1. December 21st is _____ shortest day of every year.

A. An                   B. X                     C. The                 D. A


  1. _____ advice your friend gave me was valuable.

A. The                 B. A                     C. X                     D. An


  1. Harry’s father is ____ H.P.

A. A                     B. The                 C. An                   D. X


  1. Do you have _____ extra pen?

A. An                   B. A                     C. X                     D. The


  1. _____ information you gave me was quite helpful.

A. The                 B. X                     C. An                   D. A


  1. ____ Hindustan Times is quite ____ accurate newspaper.

A. X – an           B. The – an       C. A – an            D. An – the


  1. _____ government of ____ India has tried to control inflation.

A. A – x              B. X – x              C. The – An       D. The – x


Answer Key:

  1. A

Explanation: ‘Dozen’ starts with a consonant sound; hence ‘a’ is used. ‘A’ also means ‘one’ (dozen).


  1. C

Explanation: ‘Glass’ starts with a consonant sound; hence ‘a’ is used. No article is used before ‘water’ as it is an uncountable noun.


  1. D

Explanation: ‘The’ is used because it is a particular place.


  1. C

Explanation: ‘The’ is used because ‘shortest’ is an adjective of superlative degree.


  1. A

Explanation: ‘The’ is used to show that the advice was specific.


  1. C

Explanation: ‘H’ starts with a vowel sound; hence ‘an’ is used.


  1. A

Explanation: ‘Extra’ starts with a vowel sound; hence ‘an’ is used.


  1. A

Explanation:  ‘The’ is used because given information is specific.


  1. B

Explanation: ‘The’ is used because it is used before names of dailies and ‘accurate’ starts with a vowel sound; hence ‘an’ is used.


  1. D

Explanation: ‘The’ is used because it is a specific government and no article before India as it is a proper noun.