
Conjunctions Worksheet-5

Conjunctions Worksheet-5


Fill in the blank with the correct conjunction:

  1. _____ I study hard, I shall not get good marks.

A. If                     B. Although       C. Unless           D. But


  1. My cousins arrived ______ we were in school.

A. When             B. Because         C. Since              D. Though


  1. You can take a taxi ______ a bus to go to Shimla.

A. But                 B. And                C. Or                   D. So


  1. _____ Mumbai ______ Delhi are developed cities.

A. And … but                                 B. Either … or

C. Neither … nor                           D. Both … and


  1. Will you take care of our dog _____ we are away for the weekend.

A. While             B. Because         C. Or                   D. And


  1. My mother will come ____ not my sister.

A. And                B. But                 C. Or                   D. So


  1. You may _____ eat a sandwich ____ some French fries.

A. Either …… or                            B. Either …… nor

C. Neither …… or                          D. But … and


  1. Hitesh hurt himself ______ he fell from the stairs.

A. While             B. When             C. So                   D. But


  1. ______ we lost the match, we have not lost heart.

A. Since              B. Because         C. Though          D. And


  1. The students stood up _______ the teacher entered the class.

A. No sooner …… than                B. As well as

C. As soon as                                 D. Although


  1. He is ____ tall _____ he can easily reach the top shelf.

A. And …… but                              B. Both …… and

C. So…… that                                 D. Either…… or


  1. You must study hard _____ you want to score top marks.

A. Unless           B. If                     C. Though          D. But


Answer Key:

  1. C

Explanation: Here the conjunction for showing condition is needed; hence ‘unless’ is used.


  1. A

Explanation: Here the conjunction for showing ‘in the meantime’ is needed; hence ‘when’ is used.


  1. C

Explanation: Here the conjunction for choice is needed; hence ‘or’ is used.


  1. D

Explanation: Here the conjunction for joining equally important sentence parts is needed; hence ‘both…and’ is used.


  1. A

Explanation: Here the conjunction for showing ‘in the meantime’ is needed; hence ‘while’ is used.


  1. B

Explanation: Here the conjunction for showing opposite ideas is needed; hence ‘but’ is used.


  1. A

Explanation: Here the conjunction for showing choice is needed; hence ‘either…or’ is used.


  1. B

Explanation: Here the conjunction for showing time is needed; hence ‘when’ is used.


  1. C

Explanation: Here the conjunction for showing illogical consequence is needed; hence ‘though’ is used.


  1. C

Explanation: Here the conjunction for showing time is needed; hence ‘as soon as’ is used.


  1. C

Explanation: Here the conjunction for showing consequence is needed; hence ‘so…that’ is used.


  1. B

Explanation: Conjunction for condition is – if; hence this is used.