
English Olympiad Grammar Worksheet-33

The complete course of grammar Worksheet-33


  1. Fill in the blank with correct homophone.

It is wrong to _______.

A. steel               B. stile                C. still                 D. steal


  1. Fill in the blank with correct homophone.

Did he ____ you this watch?

A. bye                 B. buy                 C. bi                    D. bee


  1. Fill in the blank with correct homophone.

I go to school ____ bus.

A. buy                 B. bye                 C. by                   D. none of these


  1. Fill in the blank with correct homophone.

He said ____ to us with a sad face.

A. bye                 B. bi                    C. buy                 D. none of these


  1. Fill in the blank with correct homophone.

They left ____ bags at our house.

A. there              B. they                C. the're             D. their


  1. Fill in the blank with correct homophone.

I ____  the whole chapter in one day.

A. red                  B. read               C. reed                D. rode


  1. Fill in the blank with correct homophone.

Milan ____ why Jay  didn't talk to her.

A. nose               B. no'se              C. knows            D. noose


  1. Fill in the blank with correct homophone.

The Cat was hiding behind the _____.

A. Would           B. Wold              C. Wod               D. Wood


  1. Fill in the blank with correct homophone.

The cars are built entirely of _____.

A. Stele               B. Steel               C. Steal               D. Stiel


  1. Fill in the blank with correct homophone.

I forgot to ____ my name on the test sheet.

A. Rite                B. Right              C. Write             D. Wright


Answer Key:

  1. D

  2. B

  3. C

  4. A

  5. D

  6. B

  7. C

  8. D

  9. B

  10. C