
English Olympiad Grade 4 Worksheet-25

grammar worksheets for std 4

The Complete Course of Grammar Worksheet-25


  1. What type of emotions does the following line show?

"The city has lost many people and the damage to the property is severe", said the president. "This is not a time for a celebration.

A. Angry             B. Happy           C. Sad                 D. Neutral


  1. What type of emotions does the following line show?

"Wow! This is awesome. Thank you for giving me my favourite book", said Tara with a broad smile on her face.

A. Sad                 B. Angry             C. Bored             D. Happy

See more class 4 English worksheets

  1. Pick the correct meaning of the following phrases/idioms


A. Scream                   B. Fuss               C. Smooth         D. Gossip


  1. Pick the correct meaning of the following phrases/idioms

Bell the cat

A. Put a bell on the cat                B. Show a bell to the cat

C. To listen carefully          D. To do something risky


  1. Pick the correct meaning of the following phrases/idioms

Let down

A. Disappointment                      B. Satisfaction

C. Sitting down                    D. Attack


  1. Find the Correct meaning of the idiom in bracket.

I asked Manisha to (keep an eye on) the time. Since, we had to reach the theatre at 6:30.

A. Buy a nice watch                     B. Forget something

C. Check regularly                       D. Working hard


  1. Find the Correct meaning of the idiom in bracket.

Amisha does not like to (bad-mouth) anyone. She is a great person.

A. To praise                          B. To fight

C. To help                             D. To criticize


  1. Find the Correct meaning of the idiom in bracket.

It is (raining cats and dogs) since morning. I could not go to play out side.

A. Walking cats and dogs           B. Bathing cats and dogs

C. A busy day                                 D. Heavy rainfall


  1. Find the Correct meaning of the underlined idiom.

"I have no (hard feelings) toward Amit; I know that he deserves this trophy.

A. Bitter feelings                           B. Go to sleep

C. Ignoring someone                   D. Be without money


Answer Keys:

(1)–C; (2)–D; (3)–D; (4)–D; (5)–A; (6)–C; (7)–D; (8)–D; (9)–A