
English Olympiad Grade 4 Worksheet-20

The Complete Course of Grammar Worksheet-20


  1. This summer I am going to visit _____beach house.

A. their               B. theyre            C. there              D. none of these


  1. I need to get home to do _____hair.

A. there              B. theyre            C. their               D. none of these


  1. Which group of words would be best for writing a paragraph about weather?

A. Rain, snow, and cold              B. Cherries, eggs, and juice

C. Table, chair, and dishes         D. Cats, pigs, and tree

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  1. Which word in the sentences in a preposition?

It climbs into a tall tree.

A. climbs           B. into                 C. tall                  D. tree


  1. Which sentence contains a preposition?

A. They live only in cold places.

B. They have hard shells.

C. Their feet are webbed

D. Their body temperature changes


  1. What is the linking verb in the sentence?

"My house sits on the hill.

A. My                  B. house             C. sits                  D. hill


  1. Which sentence are the pronouns used correctly?

A. Shelley and I like pets.

B. I and my sister each have a dog.

C. Me and my dog watched the stars last night.

D. Skip and me saw the moon come out.


  1. Which sentence has an article used incorrectly?

A. Is a stop sign an octagon?

B. She looked over the cliff

C. Please pass the glue.

D. We must buy a envelope to mail this in.


  1. I love ____dog!

A. there              B. their               C. theyre            D. none of these


  1. Choose the correct spelling word.

A. advis              B. adives            C. advise            D. none of these


Answer Keys:

(1)–A; (2)–C; (3)–A; (4)–B; (5)–A; (6)–C; (7)–A; (8)–D; (9)–B; (10)–C