
English Olympiad Grade 4 Worksheet-40

The Complete Course of Grammar Worksheet-40


  1. Choose the sentence that is written correctly.

A. Jesus answered, I am the way, the truth, and the life.

B. Jesus answered. i am the way, the truth, and the life.

C. Jesus answered. i am the way, the truth, and the life.

D. Jesus answered, I am the way, the truth, and the life.


  1. Pick out the correct connector.

I would have gone to the party ____ I had been invited.

A. if                     B. so that           C. because         D. otherwise


  1. Choose the sentence that is written correctly.

A. I don’t know why my little sister wont eat peas.

B. I don’t know why my little sister wont eat peas!

C. I don’t know why my little sister wont eat peas?

D. I , don’t know, why my little sister wont eat peas.


  1. What type of sentence is this?

What a beautiful night is this!

A. exclamatory                              B. interrogative

C. assertive                                    D. negative

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  1. You can tell that Biswas is athletic because ____.

A. He knows how to cook.

B. He plays Monopoly with his friends.

C. He rides his bike and he is able to bowl well.

D. He plays cards with the kids he babysits.


  1. Choose the correct determiner.

There is ____ milk in the milk pot, to make a cup of tea.

A. some              B. any                 C. little               D. enough


  1. Pick out the correct collective noun.

A ______ of nations.

A. league            B. crowd            C. company       D. collection


  1. Choose the correct form of verb

They have ____ a new car.

A. buy                 B. bought           C. bring              D. brought


  1. Choose the sentence that is written correctly.

A. Prernas dress is red and white and blue and yellow.

B. Prernas dress is red and white, blue, yellow.

C. Prernas dress is red, white, blue, and yellow.

D. Prernas dress is red, and white, and blue, and yellow.


  1. Pick out the correct collective noun.

A ____ of horses.

A. bundle           B. company       C. board             D. team


Answer Keys:

(1)–D; (2)–A; (3)–A; (4)–A; (5)–C; (6)–D; (7)–A; (8)–B; (9)–C; (10)–D