
Simple Present Tense Worksheet-3

Simple Present Tense Worksheet-3


  1. Your shoes ______ very dirty.

A. is                     B. are                  C. has                 D. have


  1. My brother_____ a teacher.

A. is                     B. are                  C. has                 D. have


  1. This house _____ very big.

A. Isn’t                B. Wasn’t           C. Hasn’t            D. are


  1. The shops _____ open today.

A. Areno’t          B. Isn’t                C. Aren’t            D. Hasn’t


  1. My keys _____in my bag.

A. is                     B. was                 C. are                  D. have


  1.  Jaya _____ 18 years old.

A. is                     B. are                  C. has                 D. have


  1. You ____ very tall.

A. Hasn’t            B. Isn’t                C. Aren’t            D. Haven’t


  1. I ____interested in politics.

A. am not           B. Isn’t                C. aren’t             D. Haven't


  1. I ____ hungry. Please give me something to eat.

A. was                 B. am                  C. have               D. has


  1. It ____ warm today.

A. was                 B. is                     C. have               D. has


  1. I ___afraid of dogs so I keep a stick with me.

A. am                  B. was                 C. has                 D. have


  1. My hands ____cold. Please switch on the heater.

A. are                  B. were               C. have               D. was


  1. Canada ____ a very big country.

A. is                     B. was                 C. has                 D. have


  1. Diamonds _____ cheap I can’t afford them to buy.

A. aren’t             B. Isn’t                C. are                  D. have


  1. I ____interested in football and I play everyday .

A. am                  B. was                 C. has                 D. have


  1. Rome ___ in Spain.

A. was                 B. is                     C. has                 D. have


Answer Key:

  1. B
  2. A
  3. A
  4. C
  5. C
  6. A
  7. C
  8. A
  9. B
  10. B
  11. A
  12. A
  13. A
  14. A
  15. A
  16. B