Use of 's Worksheet-2
Use the apostrophe (’) at the right place and rewrite the sentence:
A. The minister’s demands are all quite valid.
B. The minister’s demand’s are all quite valid.
C. The ministers’ demands’ are all quite valid.
D. The ministers demand’s are all quite valid.
A. The members of the thiefs’ gang have been caught.
B. The members’ of the thiefs gang have been caught.
C. The members of the thief’s gang have been caught.
D. The member’s of the thiefs gang have been caught.
A. That girl’s friends have eaten two burgers each.
B. That girls friend’s have eaten two burgers each.
C. That girls friends have eaten two burger’s each.
D. That girl’s friend’s have eaten two burgers each.
A. This mans shirt has two broken button’s.
B. This mans’ shirt has two broken buttons.
C. This man’s shirt has two broken buttons.
D. This man’s shirt has two broken button’s.
A. Hes’ coming with me to my friend’s party.
B. Hes’ coming with me to my friends party.
C. He’s coming with me to my friends party.
D. He’s coming with me to my friend’s party.
A. Its a great surprise that he’s here.
B. It’s a great surprise that he’s here.
C. Its a great surprise that hes’ here.
D. Its’ a great surprise that hes here.
A. That rich girl’s earrings have diamond studs.
B. That rich girls earring’s have diamond stud’s.
C. That rich girls earrings have diamond stud’s.
D. That rich girls earring’s have diamond studs.
A. The actor’s suit’s are all black.
B. The actor’s suits are all black.
C. The actors suit’s are all black.
D. The actors’ suit’s are all black.
A. The guests’ bag’s were stolen at the airport.
B. The guests bags’ were stolen at the airport.
C. The guests bag’s were stolen at the airport.
D. The guest’s bags were stolen at the airport.
A. The horse’s hooves’ have been attached.
B. The horses hooves’ have been attached.
C. The horse’s hooves have been attached.
D. The horses hoove’s have been attached.
Answer Key:
Explanation: Minister’s shows that the demands have been made by the minister.
Explanation: Thief’s shows that the gang belongs to the thief.
Explanation: Girl’s shows that the friends belong to the girl.
Explanation: Man’s shows that the shirt belongs to the man.
Explanation: ‘He’s = he is’ and friend’s shows that the party is hosted by the friend.
Explanation: ‘It’s = it is’ and ‘he’s = he is.’
Explanation: Girl’s shows that the earrings belong to the girl.
Explanation: Actor’s shows that the suits belong to the actor.
Explanation: Guest’s shows that the bags belong to the guest.
Explanation: Horse’s shows that the hooves belong to the horse.