
Verbs Worksheet-4

Verbs Worksheet-4


  1. Identify the linking verb in the following sentence.

Lovely is a very smart girl.

A. Lauren          B. is                     C. smart             D. girl


  1. Find the helping verb in the following sentence.

I may not attend the karate class.

A. I                      B. karate            C. may                D. attend


  1. Which option shows the base form of "paid"?

A. payed             B. pain                C. pay                 D. pale


  1. Which sentence is an example of simple present form of verb?

A. He is playing piano.                B. He has played piano.

C. He plays piano.                        D. He played piano.


  1. Which sentence is an example of past progressive form of verb?

A. They picked strawberries from our farm.

B. They were picking strawberries from our farm.

C. They are picking strawberries from our farm.

D. They will pick strawberries from our farm.


  1. Which sentence is an example of future progressive form of verb?

A. My is going to the University of Baroda next year.

B. My son will be going to the University of Baroda next year.

C. My son goes to the University of Baroda next year.

D. none of these


  1. Which sentence is an example of past progressive form of verb?

A. Jill has known Hamir for 5 years.

B. I ran faster than Pankaj.

C. He will call you tonight.

D. She was planting tulips in her garden.


  1. Fill in the blank with the CORRECT verb tense.

Sapna _____     her room already.

A. cleans            B. will clean      C. cleaned          D. is cleaning


  1. Choose proper verb tense for the underlined word to make grammatically correct sentence.

Last Sunday we plant trees in our backyard.

A. plants            B. planted          C. planting        D. will plant


  1. Identify the action verb(s) in the following sentence.

Alok pulled the flaps and grabbed the bag of white chocolates.

A. pulled, grabbed                       B. bag, Alok

C. pulled, candies                         D. grabbed, Alok


Answer Key:

(1)-B; (2)-C; (3)-C; (4)-C; (5)-B; (6)-B; (7)-D; (8)-C; (9)-B; (10)-A