
Verbs Worksheet-1

Verbs Worksheet-1


  1. ______ verbs tell what the subject does.

A. Helping           B. Linking        C. Action           D. all of these


  1. Find the helping verb in the following sentence.

Javed couldn't find his backpack.

A. Javed             B. find                C. backpack      D. could


  1. Which option shows the simple past and past participle form of "hold"?

A. holded, held                             B. holden, held

C. helded, holded                         D. held, held


  1. Which sentence is an example of present perfect form of verb?

A. They have arrived.                  B. They are arriving.

C. They arrive.                              D. They will arrive.


  1. Which sentence is an example of past progressive form of verb?

A. Hari will talk to his instructor.

B. Hari talked to his instructor.

C. Hari had been talking to his instructor.

D. Hari was talking to his instructor.


  1. Which sentence is an example of future perfect form of verb?

A. Jaychand have finished the survey by the time Leena arrives tomorrow.

B. Jaychand will have finished the survey by the time Leena arrives tomorrow.

C. Jaychand finished the survey by the time Leena arrives tomorrow.

D. Jaychand will finish the survey by the time Leena arrives.


  1. Which sentence is an example of past perfect form of verb?

A. She had already eaten when her children came home.

B. We played card games all day.

C. We will go to the swimming pool tomorrow.

D. She has cooked the dinner.


  1. Identify the linking verb in the following sentence:

Those students are brilliant.

A. students        B. brilliant         C. Those             D. are


  1. Fill in the blank with the CORRECT verb tense.

They _____   the floor tomorrow.

A. was fixed      B. fixed               C. is fix               D. will fix


  1. Choose proper verb tense for the underlined word to make grammatically correct sentence.

My sister work everyday for six hours.

A. worked          B. works             C. working         D. correct as it is


Answer Key:

(1)-C; (2)-D; (3)-D; (4)-A; (5)-D; (6)-B; (7)-A; (8)-D; (9)-D; (10)-B