
Vocabulary Word Power Worksheet-52

Word Power Worksheet – 52


Choose the correct word for the given clue.

  1. "rude and clumsy in behavior, ill-mannered"

(a) turbulent     (b) truncate       (c) hardy            (d) boorish


  1. "an attractive force that exists between all objects"

(a) rant                                           (b) levity

(c) bathysphere                            (d) gravity


  1. "someone from the old Soviet Union; skilled horsemen"

(a) Cossack       (b) elemental    (c) drawl            (d) barometer


  1. "going against majority"

(a) dissentient  (b) fluctuation  (c) subside         (d) levity


  1. "fierce; savage"

(a) ferocity        (b) rout              (c) vocal             (d) heterogeneous


  1. "give permission"

(a) consent        (b) enigma        (c) gargoyle       (d) emit


  1. "outermost boundary of plant and bacterial cells that is made of cellulose."

(a) malign         (b) cell wall       (c) ruse               (d) cardinal


  1. "evil or wicked"

(a) vociferous   (b) sinister         (c) evict              (d) exposition


  1. "capable of being touched"

(a) biopsy                                       (b) palpable     

(c) dethronement                         (d) expedient


  1. "a small amount"

(a) traverse                                    (b) meager

(c) forethought                              (d) mantle


  1. "a formal speech, esp. one given on a ceremonial occasion"

(a) cultivated    (b) covet             (c) oration         (d) affluence


  1. "something useful for attaining a particular result"

(a) expedient    (b) masonry      (c) aplomb        (d) morbidity


  1. "branch out in lines from a centre"

(a) perpetuate  (b) garish           (c) radiate         (d) edifice


  1. "A sensitive instrument that records magnetic data; used to describe earthquake magnitude"

(a) truncate       (b) dandy           (c) edict              (d) Magnetometer


  1. "quality of being alive"

(a) vitality          (b) clandestine (c) microbe       (d) century



1-d;  2-d;  3-a;  4-a;  5-a;  6-a;  7-b;  8-b;  9-b;  10-b;  11-c;  12-a;  13-c;  14-d;  15-a