
Adjectives and Adverbs Worksheet-6

adjectives and adverbs worksheet English grammar


Adjectives & Adverbs Worksheet-6


  1. The comparative of angry is:

A. angriest                                      B. angrier

C. more angriest                           D. most angry


  1. Identify the underlined words in each of the following sentences. (whether it is noun, verb, adjective)

Hari finished his test quickly.

A. noun              B. adjective       C. adverb           D. verb

See English worksheets on verbs

  1. Identify the underlined words in each of the following sentences. (whether it is noun, verb, adjective

The cupcakes were delicious.

A. adverb           B. noun              C. verb                D. adjective


  1. Which sentence has an adjective?

A. Monika is a brilliant student.

B. She sang beautifully.

C. She was terribly loud.

D. She sat there quietly.


  1. Which of these sentences does not contain an adverb?

A. The test was easy.                   B. The music played slowly.

C. He passed the test easily.       D. I see him daily.


  1. Find the adverbs in the following sentences.

Lately, she is not coming to her piano classes.

A. coming          B. Lately             C. classes           D. piano


  1. Find the adverbs in the following sentences.

He turned to him angrily.

A. turned           B. him                C. he                   D. angrily

See more English worksheets on verbs

  1. Find the adverbs in the following sentences.

We get this magazine monthly.

A. magazine      B. this                 C. monthly        D. get


  1. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

Ahmedabad is _____ than Agra.

A. hottest           B. hot                  C. hotter             D. most hotter


  1. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

The Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge has the ____ span of any bridge.

A. largest           B. large              C. larger             D. most larger


Answer Keys:

1. B; 2. C; 3. D; 4. A; 5. A; 6. B; 7. D; 8. C; 9. C; 10. A