
English & Logics Worksheet-9

English & Logics Worksheet-9


  1. Fill in the blank with suitable option.

I’m cold. Can you ______ the window, please?

A. open               B. close               C. make              D. break


  1. Fill in the blank with suitable option

I’m 32 years old. My sister is younger to me so she is _______.

A. 35                   B. 42                   C. 29                   D. 33


  1. Fill in the blank with suitable option.

My brother is very tall and strong. His personality helps him in his job. He’s a _____

A. doctor            B. teacher          C. policeman    D. carpenter


  1. Fill in the blank with suitable option.

Ankush is afraid of______. So he carries a stick with him.

A. mouse            B. God                C. ghost              D. dogs


  1. “It’s ten o’clock. You’re late again.” Anu told his brother Avi.

Which of the following is the possible time of Avi to come?

A. 9 ‘o’ clock      B. 11 ‘o’ clock    C. 12 ‘o’ clock    D. 1 ‘o’ clock


  1. Fill in the blank with suitable option.

Anu and I are good friends and we _____ each other’s company.

A. make              B. love                C. hate                D. don’t like


  1. Fill in the blank with suitable option.

I have to get my hair cut so I am going to ________.

A. barber           B. doctor            C. teacher          D. cobbler


  1. Fill in the blank with suitable option.

I’m tired but I’m not_______.

A. good               B. bad                 C. hungry           D. mad


  1. Which of the following can’t be filled in the blank ?

Anuj isn’t interested in politics. He’s interested in_____.

A. music             B. dancing         C. singing          D. Jaipur


  1. Fill in the blank with suitable option.

I need some fruits as I have to make _______ for today’s party.

A. custard                                       B. Rice curry

C. Vegetable soup                         D. Vegetable sandwich


Answer Key:

  1. B
  2. C
  3. C
  4. D
  5. A
  6. B
  7. A
  8. C
  9. D
  10. A