
English & Logics Worksheet-1

English & Logics Worksheet-1


  1. The ______ man paid for my ticket.

A. Simple           B. angry             C. kind                D. funny


  1. After Jay washed his car, it looked very _______.

A. dirty               B. sweet             C. old                  D. clean


  1. I am _____ because I did well on my math test.

A. upset              B. rough             C. happy            D. sad


  1. The ____ shirt is too _______.

A. big … crazy                                B. large … big

C. heavy … small                          D. wet … rainy


  1. The library is a good place to _______ because it is very _____.

A. study … quiet                            B. eat … hungry

C. learn … intelligent                   D. read … open


  1. I cannot sleep because my neighborhood is very _______.

A. happy            B. average         C. fun                  D. noisy


  1. I always arrive to class twenty minutes _____ so that I have time to prepare.

A. late                 B. early               C. young             D. old


  1. The air is very _____, and there is _____ ice on the road.

A. warm … a large amount of    B. cool … many

C. cold … a lot of                           D. hot … much


  1. Turtles and snails do not move quickly. They are both _____ _____animals.

A. quick              B. slow               C. dangerous    D. strange


  1. Pavan and Bhuvan are _______. They have the same mother.

A. women          B. friends           C. students        D. brothers


Answer Key:

  1. C
  2. D
  3. C
  4. B
  5. A
  6. D
  7. B
  8. C
  9. B
  10. D