
Use of Has, Have, Had Worksheet-4

Use of Has, Have, Had Worksheet-4


Fill in the blank with the proper form of the verb:

  1. We ____ a lot of fun at the party last week.

A. Have              B. Had                C. Has                D. Was having


  1. Sonal ____ some birds as pets when she was small.

A. Has                B. Have              C. Had                D. Were having


  1. Which student ____ got the maximum marks today?

A. Is having       B. Has                C. Have              D. Had


  1. Sunil ____ some new problems to solve last night.

A. Has                B. Have              C. Was having  D. Had


  1. We ____ bread and jam for breakfast yesterday.

A. Have              B. Has                C. Are having    D. Had


  1. We ____ bread and jam for breakfast every day.

A. Have              B. Has                C. Are having    D. Had


  1. “Bring whatever you ___ for the picnic tomorrow,” said the teacher.

A. Have              B. Are having    C. Has                D. Had


  1. That man ____ such long hair.

A. Is having       B. Have              C. Has                D. Had


  1. My friend ____ a very strict father.

A. Have              B. Am having    C. Had                D. Has


  1. Sunita’s sister and her brother ____ the same T-shirt.

A. Has                B. Have              C. Is having       D. Had


Answer Key:

  1. D

Explanation: Last week shows the past tense; hence ‘had’ is correct.

  1. C

Explanation: Was small shows the past tense; hence ‘had’ is correct.

  1. B

Explanation: Student = singular noun in the 3rd person; hence ‘has’ is correct as ‘today’ shows present tense.

  1. D

Explanation: Last night shows the past tense; hence ‘had’ is correct.

  1. D

Explanation: Yesterday shows the past tense; hence ‘had’ is correct.

  1. A

Explanation: We = plural pronoun in the 1st person; hence ‘have’ is correct. Moreover, the sentence talks about a routine.

  1. A

Explanation: You = singular/plural pronoun in the 2nd person; hence ‘have’ is correct. The teacher is speaking; i.e. the sentence is in the present tense.

  1. C

Explanation: Man = singular noun in the 3rd person; hence ‘has’ is correct.

  1. D

Explanation: Friend = singular noun in the 3rd person; hence ‘has’ is correct.

  1. B

Explanation: Sunita’s sister and her brother = plural subject in the 3rd person; hence ‘have’ is correct.