
English olympiad grade 3 Adjectives Worksheet-5

I have a red yummy apple.

In this sentence; red and yummy are adjectives as they are describing the apple. Adjective is used as a describing word.

Adjective Worksheet-5

  1. She threw the rotten vegetables into the dustbin. Identify the adjective/s.

A. vegetables     B. rotten             C. threw             D. dustbin


  1. The squirrel chooses a quiet spot to make her home.Identify the adjective/s.

A. spot                B. squirrel         C. home             D. quiet


  1. She spilled the _____ coffee on my foot.

A. hotter             B. most hot        C. colder            D. hot

See more English olympiad worksheets 

  1. Of all the students in the class, Raman is the _____.

A. most smartest                           B. smartest

C. smarter                                      D. more smart


  1. The comparative of near is:

A. nearest          B. more near     C. most near     D. nearer


  1. This is the ______ store I've ever shopped in.

A. expensive                                 B. more expensive

C. expensivest                              D. most expensive


  1. The suspension bridge is built on the Mississippi River.Identify the adjective/s.

A. suspension   B. bridge            C. built               D. Mississippi River


  1. There is a three-story building behind the fresh-vegetable market.Identify the adjective/s.

A. three-story, fresh vegetable  B. three story,

C. building, market                      D. market


  1. Mr. Nirmal is the______ person I ever met in my life.

A. most generous                          B. more generous

C. generous                                    D. generousest


  1. Antarctica is the _____ place on earth.

A. cold                B. coldest           C. colder            D. most cold


Answer Keys

1. B; 2. D; 3. D; 4. B; 5. D; 6. D; 7. A; 8. A; 9. A; 10. B