
Tense mixed review Worksheet-20

Tense mixed review Worksheet-20


Use the simple past or the past perfect tense as needed:

  1. Last night, the bell rang after we ____ to bed.

A. Had going     B. Have gone    C. Had gone      D. Were going


  1. Sheila ____ her homework before she went to play.

A. Finished                                     B. Was finished

C. Had finished                             D. Have finished


  1. When the bell ____ teacher had finished explaining the lesson.

A. Was rang      B. Rang              C. Is rang           D. Had rung


  1. The thief had run away when the police ____.

A. Had arrived                              B. Arrives

C. Have arrived                             D. Arrived


  1. My parents ____ with the Principal before my teacher reached her cabin.

A. Have spoken                             B. Are spoken

C. Has spoken                               D. Had spoken


  1. Sunita ____ the essay long before the bell rang.

A. Has written                               B. Had written

C. Having written                         D. Have written


  1. We had travelled a short distance before we _____ that it was the wrong way.

A. Were realizing                          B. Was realised

C. Had realized                             D. Realised


  1. My teacher ____ Sunil’s guardian therefore, he said anything.

A. Had called    B. Called            C. Has called    D. Have called


  1. It ____ raining before 6 a.m. yesterday.

A. Has started                               B. Was started

C. Have started                             D. Had started


  1. Sunil had switched off the TV before his mother _____ from her shopping trip.

A. Was returned                           B. Returned

C. Has returned                            D. Had returned


Answer Key:

  1. C

Explanation: For two past actions, the simple past tense is used for the action that is completed second and the past perfect tense is used for the action that is completed first.


  1. C

Explanation: For two past actions, the simple past tense is used for the action that is completed second and the past perfect tense is used for the action that is completed first.


  1. B

Explanation: For two past actions, the simple past tense is used for the action that is completed second and the past perfect tense is used for the action that is completed first.


  1. D

Explanation: For two past actions, the simple past tense is used for the action that is completed second and the past perfect tense is used for the action that is completed first.


  1. D

Explanation: For two past actions, the simple past tense is used for the action that is completed second and the past perfect tense is used for the action that is completed first.


  1. B

Explanation: For two past actions, the simple past tense is used for the action that is completed second and the past perfect tense is used for the action that is completed first.


  1. D

Explanation: For two past actions, the simple past tense is used for the action that is completed second and the past perfect tense is used for the action that is completed first.


  1. A

Explanation: For two past actions, the simple past tense is used for the action that is completed second and the past perfect tense is used for the action that is completed first.


  1. D

Explanation: For two past actions, the simple past tense is used for the action that is completed second and the past perfect tense is used for the action that is completed first.


  1. B

Explanation: For two past actions, the simple past tense is used for the action that is completed second and the past perfect tense is used for the action that is completed first.