
English Olympiad Grade 4 Worksheet-35

The Complete Course of Grammar Worksheet-35


  1. Choose the sentence that is written correctly.

A. My dog monty likes to get his belly rubbed.

B. my dog Monty likes to get his belly rubbed.

C. My dog Monty likes to get his belly rubbed.

D. my Dog monty likes to get his belly rubbed.


  1. She went to the doctor ______she might be cured.

Pick out the correct conjunction.

A. because         B. therefore       C. so that           D. until

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  1. Polygons are closed figures.

What type of sentence is this?

A. simple           B. compound    C. complex        D. fragment


  1. Choose the correctly written complex sentence.

A. She likes to read, and she likes to write.

B. Kate and Jonathan worked on their reports.

C. Before she goes to bed, she must brush her teeth.

D. Although she likes read mystery novels best.


  1. In the following choices which is a helping verb?

A. walk               B. run                 C. will                 D. talk


  1. Choose the correct conjunction

I will wait for you _____ you return.

A. unless            B. until               C. although       D. because


  1. In which sentence are all common and proper nouns written correctly?

A. Last month mona visited Aunt Anita.

B. We took her to Army Camp on Memorial Day.

C. My Aunt lives in a small town in Texas.

D. She swims at a beach along the Gulf Of Mexico.


  1. A sentence has a noun and a verb.

This sentence is

A. True                                           B. False

C. not always true                        D. not always false


  1. Choose the correctly written complex sentence.

A. Because reading is her favourite subject, she spends her weekends reading novels.

B. After the sun goes down we will light the fire.

C. She likes to clean, but she loves to cook.

D. The doctor prescribed Tylenol, or the patient can take Motrin.


  1. Choose the sentence that contains the compound predicate.

A. The students helped Mrs. Sinha grade the test papers.

B. Mr. Sehgal ran to the store and bought a drink.

C. Mrs. Webber helped Joseph.

D. The teacher and principal met with her mother.


Answer Keys:

(1)–C; (2)–C; (3)–A; (4)–C; (5)–C; (6)–B; (7)–B; (8)–A; (9)–A; (10)–B