
Pronouns Worksheet-3

Pronouns Worksheet-3


  1. Fill in the blanks with a CORRECT object pronoun.

Your boys are great. I really like _______.

A. them              B. they                C. hers                D. his


  1. Fill in the blanks with a CORRECT object pronoun.

Pamini didn't invite ______ co-workers to the Graduation Party.

A. we                   B. hers                C. him                D. her

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  1. Choose the correct possessive noun to fill in the blank.

Some ________ handbags were misplaced during the flight.

A. passenger's                               B. passengers's

C. passenger'ss                             D. passengers'


  1. Choose the correct possessive noun to fill in the blank.

The _______ car was chasing the burglar.

A. policemans'                               B. policeman

C. policemen's                               D. policeman's


  1. Fill in the blanks with CORRECT possessive pronouns.

This BMW belongs to my uncle, it's ______.

A. he                   B. his                  C. him                D. they


  1. Fill in the blanks with CORRECT possessive pronouns.

Kamini has eaten his chocolate already, but I'm saving _____ until later.

A. mine              B. me                  C. myself            D. them


  1. Identify the nouns referred by the underlined pronouns in the following sentences.

Charmy saw a girl at the park. She was playing with her dog.

A. Charmy         B. dog                 C. park               D. girl


  1. Identify the nouns referred by the underlined pronouns in the following sentences.

The apple pie was so delicious that everyone wanted one more piece of it.

A. everyone       B. piece              C. apple pie       D. delicious


  1. Which option shows a list of possessive pronouns?

A. Yours, Theirs, Mine, Ours, Its

B. Me, You, Him, Her, Them, Us, It, Whom

C. I, You, She, He

D. They, We, Who


  1. Fill in the blank with a CORRECT pronoun.

This is a decision for ____ and him to take.

A. my                  B. your               C. mine              D. you


  1. Fill in the blank with a CORRECT pronoun.

The red suitcase is ______.

A. ourselves       B. our's               C. ours                D. ourselves


  1. Which sentence is written correctly?

A. Pummy and me are good friends.

B. She forgot to invite we.

C. I dropped their to school everyday.

D. That blue car is ours.


Answer Keys:

1. A; 2. D; 3. D; 4. D; 5. B; 6. A; 7. D; 8. C; 9. A; 10. D; 11. C; 12. D