
Verbs Worksheet-10

Verbs Worksheet-10


  1. Identify the type of verb the underlined portion of the following sentence represents.

Mrs. Chopra should attend the seminar.

A. helping          B. linking           C. action            D. none of these


  1. Which option shows the simple past and past participle form of "go"?

A. goed, went    B. go, went        C. went, gone    D. goes, went


  1. Which sentence is an example of simple present form of verb?

A. He is playing baseball.           B. He plays baseball.

C. He has played baseball.         D. all of these


  1. Which sentence is an example of past perfect form of verb?

A. She is painting the bedroom.

B. She was painting the bedroom when I got home.

C. She painted the bedroom when I got home.

D. She had painted the bedroom when I got home.


  1. Which sentence is an example of simple future form of verb?

A. Janki will attend the class next week.

B. Janki attended the class last week.

C. Janki was attending the class.

D. none of these


  1. Which sentence is an example of future perfect form of verb?

A. She will be visiting us tomorrow.

B. He shipped the package yesterday.

C. By tomorrow, I will have finished the last chapter.

D. I am ordering few more copies of this book.


  1. Identify the linking verb in the following sentence:

The chocolate brownies smelled wonderful.

A. chocolate brownies                 B. wonderful

C. smelled                                     D. none of these


  1. Fill in the blank with the CORRECT verb tense.

Today Kamini and I _____  to Bangalore.

A. are driving                                B. were driving

C. was drove                                 D. will drove


  1. Choose proper verb tense for the underlined word to make grammatically correct sentence.

I visit him in the hospital last night.

A. visits              B. will visit        C. visiting          D. visited


  1. Identify the action verb(s) in the following sentence.

As we approached the lake, we saw that the elephants were splashing water on each other.

A. lake, splashing

B. elephants, approached

C. approached, saw, splashing

D. water, lake


Answer Key:

(1)-A; (2)-C; (3)-B; (4)-D; (5)-A; (6)-C; (7)-C; (8)-A; (9)-D; (10)-C