
Vocabulary Worksheet-19

Vocabulary Worksheet-19


  1. The family had to_____ their food so they would not run out.

A. finish             B. softhearted   C. bellowing      D. ration


  1. Even though Grandfather is over eighty, he is still full of _____ !

A. vigor              B. fatigue           C. complaints   D. anger


  1. Even though it was raining, I did not need an umbrella because the amount of rain was only a _____.

A. drizzle            B. storm             C. thunder         D. lightning


  1. The ocean waves _____ and swirled during the violent storm.

A. churned                                     B. whiffed

C. miscalculated                           D. sprouted


  1. I caught a faint _____ of the scent of potato chips in the breeze as we rode our bicycles past the Balaji's Potato Chip factory.

A. singe              B. yeast              C. pasture                   D. whiff


  1. The line where earth and sky seem to meet is called the:

A. Pasture          B. Harvest         C. Horizon         D. Whiff


  1. The frisky kitten pounced on the ball of yarn. The word frisky means:

A. to send out new growth          B. to gather in the crops

C. to stir or shake greatly           D. lively or playful


  1. My shirt was snagged on the barb-wired fence. 'Snagged' means:

A. caught on something sticking out

B. lively and playful

C. caused a change in

D. stirred or shook greatly


  1. The crops were affected by not having enough rain during the growing season. In this sentence, 'affected' means:

A. line along which the earth and sky seem to meet

B. stirred or shook gently

C. a change caused by something happening

D. gathering in of crops


  1. The shape of the mountain changed over time due to the_____ of the rock from wind and rain.

A. erosion          B. storm             C. breaking       D. none of these


  1. The definition of adventure is_____

A. good at thinking of ways to do things quick-witted.

B. the condition of being a friend

C. a bold dangerous or risky undertaking

D. none of these


  1. The definition of Resourcefulness is

A. good at thinking of ways to do things quickly.

B. the condition of being a friend

C. a bold dangerous or risky undertaking

D. none of these


  1. Deepak is a_____ person, even if he does not always show it.

A. bellowing      B. ready             C. gadgets          D. softhearted


  1. My grandpa does not know how to work with the_____ in my room.

A. colours          B. surplus          C. gadgets          D. tragedy


  1. People never expected an accident would occur on that_____ day.

A. bellowing      B. fateful            C. tragedy          D. happy


Answer Key:

  1. D

  2. A

  3. A

  4. B

  5. D

  6. C

  7. D

  8. A

  9. C

  10. A

  11. C

  12. A

  13. D

  14. C

  15. D