
Vocabulary Word Power Worksheet-30

Word Power Worksheet – 30

Vocabulary words pdf download

Choose the correct word for the given clue.

  1. "emblem, badge, medal, or other distinguishing mark"

(a) lubricate      (b) insignia        (c) balance        (d) twilight


  1. "earth scientist "

(a) metaphor    (b) geologist      (c) settlers         (d) indispensable


  1. "Acting that consists mostly of gesture and is performed without speech"

(a) Uranus         (b) drastically   (c) aristocrat     (d) pantomime


  1. "things that can be seen or described about an object"

(a) hazard          (b) gurgling       (c) flashback     (d) properties


  1. "first or highest in importance"

(a) badge           (b) universe       (c) principal      (d) ore


  1. "nobility; noble person"

(a) countenance                            (b) deny   

(c) adjacent                                    (d) aristocrat


  1. "taking in oxygen and using it to produce energy"

(a) hazard          (b) majority      (c) pagoda         (d) respiration


  1. "a short but complete summary"

(a) compendium                           (b) pallid 

(c) inference                                  (d) coherent


  1. "not on purpose"

(a) accidentally                             (b) beguile

(c) untidy                                        (d) churn


  1. "scrutinize; study"

(a) ore                (b) regime         (c) analyze         (d) amity


  1. "something that comes from an earlier form; offspring"

(a) medley         (b) vivid             (c) priest            (d) descendant


  1. "the killing of one person by another"

(a) abash                                        (b) accidentally

(c) luster                                         (d) homicide


  1. "exaction definition to a word"

(a) vivid              (b) Earth            (c) denotation   (d) regime


  1. "large masses of snow and ice sliding down a hillside"

(a) universe       (b) stationing    (c) avalanches  (d) inaccurate


  1. "show dislike"

(a) absent          (b) flagon           (c) exhibit          (d) disapprove


  1. "calmness"

(a) offensive      (b) temple         (c) tranquility   (d) indignant


  1. "tomorrow"

(a) expedition   (b) morrow       (c) babble          (d) allay


  1. "to work hard at"

(a) image           (b) lubricate      (c) anecdote      (d) struggle


  1. "an easily spread disease causing a large number of deaths"

(a) pony             (b) medley         (c) plague          (d) image


  1. "no longer living"

(a) slimy            (b) extinct          (c) Mercury       (d) struggle


  1. "coming event"

(a) plutonian     (b) advent          (c) homicide     (d) anonymous


  1. "n. rough script of a planned motion picture, giving an outline of the plot"

(a) figurative language                (b) ceramics    

(c) scenario                                    (d) Jupiter


  1. "relating to, characterized, or used for attack"

(a) except          (b) proton          (c) accidental    (d) offensive


  1. "information about someone or something brought to the public's attention"

(a) descendant (b) publicity      (c) reputation   (d) metabolism


  1. "place where bread and other baked goods are made"

(a) Earth                                      (b) international                

(c) bakery                                    (d) denotation


  1. "not good for you; not well"

(a) spade            (b) metaphor    (c) unhealthy    (d) slimy


  1. "process of producing or making something"

(a) abridge        (b) polygon        (c) production  (d) medley


  1. "many storied tower built as a temple or shrine"

(a) melancholy (b) dissuade      (c) dreaded       (d) pagoda


  1. "pleasantly calm or peaceful"

(a) venture        (b) placid           (c) drastically   (d) interest


  1. "a room or closet where food and kitchen supplies are kept"

(a) articulate     (b) supply          (c) pantry          (d) clarify



1-b;  2-b;  3-d;  4-d;  5-c;  6-d;  7-d;  8-a;  9-a;  10-c;  11-d;  12-d;  13-c;  14-c;  15-d;  16-c;  17-b;  18-d;  19-c;  20-b;  21-b;  22-c;  23-d;  24-b;  25-c;  26-c;  27-c;  28-d;  29-b;  30-c