
Vocabulary Word Power Worksheet-20

Word Power Worksheet – 20

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Choose the correct word for the given clue.

  1. "animals such as mice and rats"

(a) rodents                                     (b) populations

(c) enables                                     (d) scientists


  1. "people who observe and test facts to learn more about the world"

(a) scientists     (b) imitate         (c) harbour       (d) resemble


  1. "a plan for dealing with a particular situation"

(a) program      (b) spy                (c) success         (d) advise


  1. "to adjust to"

(a) pluck            (b) affects          (c) adapt            (d) congress


  1. "has an influence on"

(a) impossible  (b) ledge            (c) affects          (d) frozen


  1. "a group of people who make laws; the Senate & House of Representatives"

(a) mesquite     (b) politician     (c) wondrous    (d) congress


  1. "dry region often covered with sand, with few plants"

(a) ledge             (b) pluck            (c) ledge             (d) desert


  1. "to follow without being seen"

(a) stalk              (b) echoes          (c) sunset           (d) humiliation


  1. "different kinds of plants and animals that live in a particular place"

(a) populations                             (b) stubborn

(c) mesquite                                  (d) canyon


  1. "fine powder from flowers"

(a) wandering   (b) pollen           (c) frozen           (d) spy


  1. "making food go from the mouth through the throat and into the stomach"

(a) noun             (b) swallow       (c) technique    (d) package


  1. "offer helpful suggestions"

(a) advise           (b) countryside (c) shadows       (d) capture


  1. "still or motionless"

(a) drab              (b) escaped       (c) shadows       (d) frozen


  1. "a valuable stone or gem, such as a diamond or ruby"

(a) pollen           (b) jewel             (c) creatures     (d) battle


  1. "a special way to do something"

(a) stubborn      (b) technique    (c) dusk              (d) applause


  1. "unable to happen"

(a) underground                           (b) drab

(c) impossible                               (d) recruit


  1. "chubby, rounded"

(a) resemble     (b) adapt            (c) plump          (d) stalk


  1. "looking in a searching way"

(a) peering                                     (b) comfortable

(c) peg                                             (d) debt


  1. "rumbling or crashing noise that accompanies a bolt of lightning"

(a) smouldering                            (b) technique

(c) thunder                                     (d) sprinkling


  1. "a person who freely gives his or her time to do something"

(a) volunteer     (b) aquarium    (c) drab              (d) spy


  1. "agreement between countries"

(a) treaty            (b) mimic          (c) curious         (d) image


  1. "gleaming or shining"

(a) sparkling     (b) scientists     (c) sentinel        (d) damage


  1. "box used for storage or delivery"

(a) congress                                   (b) tumbleweeds

(c) peg                                             (d) package


  1. "a fight between two armed groups, usually in war."

(a) peculiar       (b) battle            (c) property       (d) volunteer


  1. "wooden nail"

(a) peering        (b) peg                (c) lake               (d) lumberjack


  1. "time of day when darkness begins"

(a) countryside (b) lightning      (c) dusk              (d) aquarium


  1. "clever, sly"

(a) debt              (b) cunning       (c) curious         (d) program


  1. "measure for sound volume"

(a) signature     (b) engineer      (c) frozen           (d) decibel


  1. "move along on a current of air or water"

(a) escaped        (b) alternate      (c) drift              (d) sunset


  1. "to try out for a part"

(a) audition                                    (b) comfortable

(c) bacteria                                    (d) alternate



1-a;  2-a;  3-a;  4-c;  5-c;  6-d;  7-d;  8-a;  9-a;  10-b;  11-b;  12-a;  13-d;  14-b;  15-b;  16-c;  17-c;  18-a;  19-c;  20-a;  21-a;  22-a;  23-d;  24-b;  25-b;  26-c;  27-b;  28-d;  29-c;  30-a