
English Olympiad Grade 1 Vocabulary Worksheet-1

Vocabulary Worksheet-1


  1. With the help of picture, answer the given question:

       The ________ eats acorns.

       A. Ant                 B. Squirrel         C. Lion               D. Deer


  1. With the help of picture, answer the given question:

       ______females carry its newborn in a pouch on the front of their abdomens.

picture worksheets grade 1 kids

       A. Deer               B. Elephant       C. Kangaroo      D. Dog

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  1. With the help of picture, answer the given question:

       The ________ is the largest animal that lives on land.

word power worksheets class 1

       A. Cat                 B. Crocodile      C. Bear               D. Elephant


  1. What is the man doing?

       A. Swimming                                B. Karate 

       C. Snowboarding                         D. Driving


  1. My father's mother is my ______.

       A. Grandfather                             B. Grandmother

       C. Aunt                                            D. Cousin


  1. The people who live next to my house are my ______.

       A. Family           B. Audience       C. Neighbours  D. Players


  1. I go to the ______ when I am sick.

       A. Doctor           B. teacher          C. Coach            D. Cashier


  1. A sick person is also called as______.

       A. Nurse             B. Patient           C. Nerd              D. Parent


  1. My mother's mother is my ______.

       A. Aunt                                            B. Sister   

       C. Grandmother                           D. Mother


  1. We eat ______ at night.

       A. Breakfast      B. Lunch           C. Snack             D. Supper


  1. What is the girl shown in the picture doing?

vocabulary practice sheets grade 1

       A. Playing with her doll              B. Sleeping with her doll

       C. Playing at the park                 D. Drawing


  1. What is the girl doing?

children activity sheets

       A. Writing         B. Cleaning       C. Eating            D. Playing


  1. What is the lady doing?

class 1 english sheets

       A. Dancing                                  B. washing dishes

       C. Playing with baby                 D. Singing a song


  1. What do you see in the above picture?

english vocabulary worksheet class 1

       A. Doctor           B. Clown            C. Soldier           D. Fire truck


  1. What do you see in the picture?

       A. Ship               B. School bus    C. Fire truck     D. Train


  1. With the help of picture, answer the given question:

       A ______ has striped body.

class 1 worksheets

       A. Camel            B. Fish                C. Frog               D. Zebra


  1. With the help of picture, answer the given question:

       A ______ is known as king of dessert.

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       A. Yak                 B. Bear               C. Deer               D. Camel


  1. With the help of picture, answer the given question:

       A _______likes to eat carrot.

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       A. Rabbit           B. Tortoise       C. Snake            D. Monkey


  1. With the help of picture, answer the given question:

       A_____ is very cunning animal.

grade 1 learning activities

       A. Fox                 B. Bear               C. Goat               D. Donkey


  1. With the help of picture, answer the given question:

       A _______ swallows its food.

kids learning activities

       A. Hare              B. Tiger              C. Snake             D. Bear



(1)–B; (2)–C; (3)–D; (4)–A; (5)–B; (6)–C; (7)–A; (8)–B; (9)–C; (10)–D; (11)–A; (12)–C; (13)–C; (14)–A; (15)–A; (16)–D; (17)–D; (18)–A; (19)–A; (20)–C