
Vocabulary Word Power Worksheet-35

Word Power Worksheet – 35

PDF Worksheet Vocabulary

Choose the correct word for the given clue.

  1. "something of little value"

(a) trifle              (b) silhouette    (c) mettle           (d) repent


  1. "condition of being hopelessly confused"

(a) bewilderment                         (b) exultant      

(c) encumber                                (d) nettle


  1. "a feeling of having to do something"

(a) obscurity     (b) portend        (c) compulsion (d) obliquely


  1. "the upper edge of steep or vertical slope."

(a) belligerent                                (b) perplexingly

(c) brink                                         (d) cyclone


  1. "resourceful courage and daring in the face of difficulties; daring"

(a) hearkening  (b) pall               (c) pluck            (d) choleric


  1. "to please or satisfy; to give what is desired to; indulge"

(a) sumptuous  (b) gratify          (c) sagacity        (d) intermittently


  1. "the extreme edge or margin; a border"

(a) detonation   (b) invalid          (c) surmount    (d) verge


  1. "extending back beyond memory or record"

(a) diatribe        (b) fanatic         (c) haze              (d) immemorial


  1. "to overcome an obstacle"

(a) precipice     (b) azure            (c) surmount    (d) furtively


  1. "support; authorize; permit"

(a) refrained     (b) sanction       (c) repugnance (d) wane


  1. "a depression or hollow, usually filled with deep mud or mire; swamp; bog"

(a) dominant                                 (b) subcontinent

(c) precipitate                               (d) slough


  1. "seasonal winds that bring rain"

(a) poignant      (b) monsoon     (c) detonation   (d) obsequious


  1. "stealthily"

(a) intricate       (b) drivel            (c) furtively       (d) scintillate


  1. "To raise in rank, character or status; elevate; to glorify, praise, or honor"

(a) fluently        (b) exalt             (c) repent           (d) pall


  1. "to inflict punishment upon"

(a) wreak                                        (b) curmudgeon

(c) precipitate                                (d) belligerent


  1. "went forward"

(a) consequence                            (b) pall

(c) toady                                         (d) proceeded


  1. "mapmaking"

(a) cartography                             (b) radiation

(c) wane                                          (d) cunning


  1. "unnaturally pale as from physical or emotional distress"

(a) radiation     (b) trapping      (c) wan               (d) vindictive


  1. "gloomy and dark"

(a) crevice         (b) dismal          (c) surmount    (d) battery


  1. "prediction of something bad or harmful"

(a) conceive       (b) incessantly  (c) foreboding  (d) fanatic


  1. "To bring oneself into the favour or good graces of another by deliberate effort"

(a) ingratiate    (b) astonish       (c) wizened        (d) radiation


  1. "a place where two or more streams or rivers join"

(a) stifle             (b) harridan      (c) diatribe        (d) confluence


  1. "To serve as an omen or a warning of; presage; to indicate by prediction; forecast"

(a) portend        (b) holography (c) fancy             (d) peevish


  1. "pour forth the contents of; empty"

(a) disgorge       (b) hearkening (c) insensate     (d) belligerent


  1. "extreme dislike or distaste"

(a) concussion  (b) maelstrom  (c) repugnance (d) drivel


  1. "emptiness"

(a) conceive       (b) void              (c) wrench         (d) minute


  1. "To shine with a subdued, flickering light; glimmer"

(a) shimmer      (b) furtively       (c) travesty        (d) manifesto


  1. "Bitter, long-lasting resentment; deep-seated ill will"

(a) implored     (b) wrench        (c) froth             (d) rancor


  1. "speech that is powerful, vivid, and persuasive"

(a) implored     (b) stalk             (c) eloquence    (d) precarious


  1. "blue colored"

(a) dearth          (b) pall               (c) azure            (d) foreboding


1-a;  2-a;  3-c;  4-c;  5-c;  6-b;  7-d;  8-d;  9-c;  10-b;  11-d;  12-b;  13-c;  14-b;  15-a;  16-d;  17-a;  18-c;  19-b;  20-c;  21-a;  22-d;  23-a;  24-a;  25-c;  26-b;  27-a;  28-d;  29-c;  30-c