
Division Worksheet-5

Division Worksheet-5


  1. If 9 pencils are to be given to each child, how many pencils are required for 108 children?

A. 12                    B. 99                   C. 972                 D. 86


  1. Our school collected Rs.675 from selling the coupons in the Vastrapur Street and in the highway drive. A total of 47 coupons were sold in the highway drive. How many coupons were sold in the Vastrapur Street?

(Cost of one coupon = Rs.5)

A. 38                   B. 88                   C. 33                   D. 46


A. 3.2                  B. 3.002             C. 3.02               D. 0.32


  1. Shaunak went to a store to buy tennis balls. Following list shows the brands of balls on sale. Which is the better buy?

Brand "A" - 6 for Rs.5.94

Brand "B" - 12 for Rs.11.40

Brand "C" - 9 for Rs.8.10

A. Brand "A"                                 B. Brand "B"    

C. Brand "C"                                  D. Brand "C" & Brand "A"


  1. Nishad has 128 crackers that he is putting into bowls with 16 crackers in each bowl. How many bowls are needed?

A. 9                     B. 8                     C. 16                    D. 12


  1. 128.56 ÷ 8 = ?

A. 16.17              B. 16.77              C. 16.07              D. 16.6


  1. 44.87 ÷ 7 = ?

A. 0.641             B. 64.1                C. 6.01                D. 6.41


  1. Select the CORRECT answer.

A. 675 ÷ 25 = 405 ÷ 15              B. 345 ÷ 15 = 23 × 12

C. 1032 ÷ 12 = 2064 ÷ 86          D. 252 ÷ 14 = 342 ÷ 18


  1. A normal adult’s heart beats 560 times in 8 minutes. What is the rate of heartbeat per minute?

A. 80 per minute                         B. 60 per minute

C. 70 per minute                          D. 90 per minute


  1. A novelist wrote a new book in 294 days. How many weeks did the novelist take to write the book?

A. 52                   B. 54                  C. 42                   D. 98        


Answer Key:

1. (c); 2. (b); 3. (c); 4. (c); 5. (b); 6. (c); 7. (d); 8. (a); 9. (c); 10. (c)