Food Health and Hygiene Worksheet-1
(a) Cooking makes food free of germs
(b) Raw vegetables are rich in roughage
(c) Children need more food as they grow very fast
(d) Over-eating makes the body more strong to fight with disease.
(a) Deficiency disease
(b) Obesity
(c) Thin and weak body
(d) All of these
(a) Pernicious anaemia, beri-beri, pellagra
(b) Rickets, pellagra, beri-beri
(c) Night blindness, scurvy, beri – beri
(d) Beri – beri, scurvy, pellagra
(a) Dumped
(b) Recycled
(c) Burned
(d) Both Recycled & Burned
(a) We should carry a plastic bag when we go out for shopping
(b) We should burn plastic bags and other plastic items
(c) We can use vermicomposting at home to deal with our kitchen waste
(d) We should use only single side of the paper to write.
(a) Poor vision
(b) Weak muscles and very little energy to work
(c) Bleeding gums
(d) Bones become soft and bent
Plant – Edible part
(a) Carrot – Root
(b) Onion – Leaves
(c) Ginger – Stem
(d) Turmeric – Root
(a) Oil yielding plants
(b) Medicinal plants
(c) Fibre yielding plants
(d) Food plants
(a) Rotten garbage can be used as manure for plants
(b) Materials made up of glass take thousand of years to decompose
(c) We should put garbage in plastic bags and throw it away
(d) Burning of plastic leads to cancer
Answer Key:
(1)–(d); (2)–(b); (3)–(a); (4)–(a); (5)–(c); (6)–(d); (7)–(c); (8)–(b); (9)–(c)