
Force and laws of motion Worksheet-1

Force and laws of motion Worksheet-1


  1. ....................is a measure of the inertia of a body.


  1. When a running car stops suddenly, the passengers are jerked............


  1. When a stationary car starts suddenly, the passengers are jerked..............


  1. Newton's first law of motion is also called Galileo's law of.....................


  1. If there were no unbalanced force of...............and no..............resistance, a moving bicycle would go on moving for ever.


  1. To every action, there is an ................... and ..................... reaction


  1. Momentum is a...............quantity. Its unit is....................


  1. Newton's second law of motion can be written as Force = mass × ....................or Force = ..................of change of..................


  1. Forces in a Newton's third law pair have equal.............but act in opposite................


  1. In collisions and explosions, the total ............... remains constant, provided that no external ................ acts.



  1. Mass

  2. forward

  3. Backward

  4. inertia

  5. Friction, air

  6. Equal; opposite

  7. Vector; kg. m/s

  8. Acceleration; rate; momentum

  9. Magnitude; directions

  10. Momentum; force