
Forest-our lifeline Worksheet-1

Forest-our lifeline Worksheet-1


Multiple-Choice Questions:

  1. Trees that act as windbreakers are:

(a) Mango and coconut                  (b) Jackfruit and orange

(c) Coconut and palm                     (d) Teak and sal


  1. Which of the following trees provide quinine for treating malaria?

(a) Eucalyptus     (b) Cinchona       (c) Lemon grass  (d) Rubber tree


  1. When animals die, their bodies break down with the help of:

(a) Eagles                                          (b) Bacteria        

(c) Grasshoppers                             (d) Earthworms


  1. Wood is chosen as firewood when it has:

(a) High moisture content              (b) Low moisture content

(c) Very high moisture content      (d) No moisture content


  1. Which of the following part of trees help to bind the soil particles together and prevent soil erosion?

(a) Stem               (b) Roots              (c) Pebbles


  1. Forests have been cleared for:

(a) industry and housing                (b) construction of roads and railways

(c) agriculture                                  (d) all of these


  1. Which of the following is the largest mangrove area in India?

(a) Gangetic Sunderbans                (b) Sunda Shelf

(c) Myanmar coast                          (d) Indochina


  1. 500 different plant species can be found in one forest patch in _____.

(a) Chhattisgarh                               (b) Eastern Ghats

(c) North American plains              (d) Amazon


  1. The type of trees and animals thriving in a forest depends on:

(a) soil type of a place                    (b) topography of a place

(c) climate of a place                      (d) all of these


  1. Plants that give us fibres are:

(a) Linen, jute, and hemp               (b) Cane and latex

(c) Camphor and pine                     (d) Bamboo and rubber


Answer Key:

  1. (C)
  2. (B)
  3. (B)
  4. (B)
  5. (B)
  6. (D)
  7. (A)
  8. (D)
  9. (D)
  10. (A)