
Form and movement in animals Worksheet-3

Form and movement in animals Worksheet-3



  1. Fish have a streamlined shape - the head and the tail is broader; the middle portion of their body is narrow.
  2. Dolphins have no bones inside their bodies.
  3. The wings of birds are moved down and forward, lifting the body in the air. This movement is termed as upstroke.
  4. The human skeleton provides shape and support to the body.
  5. In ball-and-socket joint, the ball like surface of one bone fits into a cup-like hollow in the other.
  6. The backbone is made up of 36 small bones called vertebrae.
  7. When the muscle contracts, it pulls the movable bone.
  8. Since muscles are only capable of pulling, they work individually.
  9. Parts made up of cartilage are not as hard as bones and can be bent.
  10. X- Rays are able to pass through tissues, but not bones.
  11. 89% of the calcium in our body is in our bones and teeth.
  12. The skeleton of shark is entirely made up of cartilage.
  13. Depending on the size of cells, organisms can be unicellular or multicellular.
  14. The shell is the outer skeleton of a snail and is made of bones.
  15. Cockroaches are among the hardiest insects on the Earth.
  16. Cockroaches are vertebrates.
  17. Cockroaches have a pair of cerci that can detect the slightest of movements and warn them of any danger from behind.
  18. Fishes are vertebrates.


Answer Key:

  1. False
  2. False
  3. False
  4. True
  5. True
  6. False
  7. True
  8. False
  9. True
  10. True
  11. False
  12. True
  13. False
  14. False
  15. True
  16. False
  17. True
  18. True